Foggy With a Chance of Sunshine

We have had quite a stretch of foggy days with several days of rain, too.

“Faith is like radar that sees through the fog—the reality of things at a distance that the human eye cannot see.” – Corrie Ten Boom.


And then a glorious couple hours of this…

The sun broke through the fog and we could see blue sky for just a few hours on Friday and now we are back to fog and rain. That couple of hours reminds us that the sky is still blue and the sun is still there and the fog will lift again.

How are the skies where you are?


C is for Colville and The Corn Maze

Action Packed Friday and Saturday in our corner of Washington State.

A pair of our ‘Coast’ kids drove over arriving late on Thursday evening. On Friday morning our Colville kids/grands joined us for breakfast and afterwards they all helped me to clear out our front planters to get them ready for Winter. What a huge blessing that was. And we did that in the rain, another blessing. JJ thought it was fun to stand right under the stream of rain water running off the roof!

95% of the photos I’m sharing are taken by Auntie LoLo! She is the best at capturing the moments.

The guys emptied several cart loads!

We all got dry clothes on. The kids enjoyed trying on Gramps’ Cub Scout caps. We warmed up over a nice hot bowl of borsch for lunch with a loaf of fresh baked bread by Jamie.

Dinner at our Colville Kids’ home with plans to meet at the Corn Maze when it opened on Saturday.

This is the first year of our annual Corn Maze adventure that the guys came, too, since they weren’t hunting this year.

Since Auntie Katie wasn’t with us this year Addy took on the job of Map navigation.

You can see that the weather was perfect for our trudge through the stalks of corn.

Addy had help navigating from Uncle Joshie and her daddy.


Daughters-in-law and in our hearts!

Checking our bearings…

Making great time finding the 10 stations!

The final post! We made it in record time.

Time to pick out some pumpkins to carve.

Back to the mountain for pumpkin carving and lunch.

Before naptime Dan lit the fire in the pit he built to have some Smores.

A perfect couple of days in beautiful Colville with family. Thank you Auntie Lolo for the photos!

As busy as Friday and Saturday were, Sunday was coming.

Spring Views on Highway 2

All of these scenes from the road were in Lincoln County. Right after the little town of Almira we moved into Grant County for a few miles.

Any Father’s Day weekend plans? We still haven’t nailed it down here. We are having some warm weather with humidity, just in time for the official start of summer. Still thankful for our air conditioning. Summer Solstice is at 5:44 PM EDT.

The Rotary Trail Take Two

Last Saturday Dear and I decided to enjoy the Rotary trail early in the morning.

I wonder what constitutes a notable tree? I googled it and here is the information I retrieved.

This Douglas-fir at the north-south/east-west junction of the Rotary Trail is located adjacent to the local golf course and Evergreen Drive. It is prominent for its size (32-inch diameter at breast high) and its position at the highest point (1910 feet) on the Rotary Trail.


We saw a birdwatcher on the trail and he told us about an eagles nest and a Harrier Hawk that he saw on the trail.

We didn’t see the nest but we saw an Eagle on the top of these electrical transmission lines.

It was fun to capture this little guy, too. Correct me if I’m wrong birdie friends. Upon further investigation this bird looks most similar to a Wilson Snipe.

The Harrier Hawk.

Next time we walk this trail I will take my longer lens so I can zoom in closer to get photos of these beautiful creatures.

I’m learning about general revelation and special revelation in studying Psalm 19. General revelation cannot convert sinners. Salvation comes only through special revelation as the Word of God is effectually applied by the Spirit of God. So much to learn. I don’t want to stop learning about what is of the most importance in eternity.

The heavens declare the glory of God,
    and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech,
    and night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words,
    whose voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out through all the earth,
    and their words to the end of the world.
In them he has set a tent for the sun,
    which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber,
    and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy.
Its rising is from the end of the heavens,
    and its circuit to the end of them,
    and there is nothing hidden from its heat.

The law of the Lord is perfect,
    reviving the soul;
the testimony of the Lord is sure,
    making wise the simple;
the precepts of the Lord are right,
    rejoicing the heart;
the commandment of the Lord is pure,
    enlightening the eyes;
the fear of the Lord is clean,
    enduring forever;
the rules[d] of the Lord are true,
    and righteous altogether.
10 More to be desired are they than gold,
    even much fine gold;
sweeter also than honey
    and drippings of the honeycomb.
11 Moreover, by them is your servant warned;
    in keeping them there is great reward.

Hope the last two days of May are good for you in your corner of the world. We might be walking the trail again this morning with my long lens.

Mother’s Day Rewind…

On Mother’s Day in the evening we gathered for a potluck dinner outside at Dan and Jamie’s. Captured some photos of our grands with their dear mommy.

It’s not easy to get two little ones to look at the camera at the same time.

I captured a couple photos of Addy with her Granny but missed taking photos of the other participants because my hands were occupied with the grands…

Our views on the way to Mother’s Day dinner.

Lots of catching up to do before we head into June!

I’m so happy to announce I have an appointment with a new hairdresser on Tuesday morning at 8:15 am. My mop will be so happy. I’ll be driving down the highway a ways but it’s worth it.

We are having a Spring heat wave here in our corner. We had the air on for the first time yesterday. Today and tomorrow will be hotter so our air will continue to cool us and the house off.

What’s new in your corner of the world?

The Rotary Trail

I showed you our peeps. I showed you the birds. Here are the general views on the Colville Dominion Meadows Rotary Trail.


Is this our first moose sighting in Colville? It’s only a silhouette. I think I need one for my back acres. Or maybe a bear…

Just to prove I was on the walk here’s my shadow of me in my hat!

The last shot I took on our way back to our cars.

Now all I need to do is to drag Dear out early in the morning to walk this trail with me before he gets carried away with working on his shop!!

Here we go into another week. We are in a very rainy pattern in our neck of the woods. We head to Spokane this week for my follow-up appointment from my surgery last year. It was cancelled in March because of COVID-19 but now they are ready to have me come in. Dear will have to wait in the car instead of coming in with me.

Have a great week everyone!

Dr. Pierce Barn

Thinking of Tom The Backroads Traveller in posting these barn advertisements.

Sallie at A Full Time Life also has posted one of the Dr. Pierce Barns in Oregon. There is another interesting post about Dr. Pierce on Peachridge Glass.

When I took these photos on December 6th of 2019 traveling to the Seattle area from Colville along Highway 2, I wasn’t familiar with the history of Dr. Pierce Advertisements on barns. You can google Dr. Pierce or click on the Peachridge Glass post to get lots of good information.

I’ll be adding this post to Tom’s Barn link party this coming Saturday. Thanks for your comment, Tom. It made me do a search about Dr. Pierce.

This is another part of road tripping that is so much fun to experience. History along the back roads…


Weekend Roundup “R”

This weeks prompts

Starts with “R.” 

 A Favorite. 


Starts with “R”.

Rural: A rural ride down a country road reveals a red retail outlet.

A Favorite:

Relaxing and reading recently with this view that I find restful.


A red barn and farm on a rural road in northeastern Washington.

Parting shot:

A bush in my backyard that I’m calling red.

Linking up with Tom The Backroads Traveller for The Weekend Roundup.

Hello first weekend in November. I’m happy to report my haircut went just fine today. When I went to the register to pay I almost gasped when she said, “that will be $15.00”. In Seattle I pay $60.00. I felt compelled to leave a hefty tip. To be fair, in Seattle I also got a shampoo/conditioning/head massage. The $15.00 was just for the cut and a little curling iron styling. One of the reasons we moved to Colville from the Seattle area was for a lower cost of living. I’m happy to experience this being true.