Not too Scary Hodgpodge

Time for Wednesday Hodgepodge. Where Joyce asks the questions for us to answer. Join in the fun HERE.

1. In two or three sentences describe yourself to someone who has never met you. 

I’m the daughter of Russian Immigrants and was raised in the Los Angeles area with my seven siblings. God chose to save me from my sins through Jesus Christ, His Son, who is my Lord and Savior when I repented in 1963. Happily married to Dear for 48 years where in the course of those years we have enjoyed our three children, their spouses and our two grandchildren, the cherries on the top.

2. Will you celebrate Halloween this year, and if so tell us how?

We will actually be going to a Reformation Conference Halloween weekend in Sandpoint, Idaho. On Halloween Monday also known as Reformation Day we will enjoy our grandchildren coming over and trick or treating at our door. They will be the only trick or treaters since living in the country on dark country roads we don’t have the usual city trick or treaters.

Let’s play this or that-chocolate candy or fruity candy?


Pumpkin seeds or pumpkin pie?

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Halloween party or scary movie?

Neither 🙂

Hay ride or corn maze?

We have a great corn maze here in Colville and the majority of our family enjoyed it together this past Saturday.

Carve a pumpkin or paint a pumpkin?

Carve a pumpkin.

3. What’s something that scared you when you were young? Are you still afraid? 

The movie King Kong. If I watched it today I’d probably laugh at the animation.

4. Your favorite soothing drink? 

Hendrick’s with cucumber and Fever tree elderflower tonic.

5. Are you thinking about Christmas yet?

Yes because we are planning a family trip in January which caused discussion about Christmas and reminding ourselves that we would not do ‘present overload’ and save our money for the trip.

Does this make you feel happy or stressed? 


6. Insert your own random thought here.  

Not only is Ember the new puppy growing fast but our dear Grands are, too!

We’ve Been Quiet…

Our Daughter-in-law posted these words on Facebook this past Friday, the 3rd of May, two and a half weeks after our little JJ was born.

“We have been a little quiet on the social media front lately so felt it was time to fill everyone in.
Jaymison was struggling to gain weight and despite many trips to the Doctor, lactation appts, breastfeeding, syringe feedings, SNS contraption he just kept dropping. Friday after another drop in weight our Dr sent us to Spokane to be admitted into Sacred Heart NICU for further testing. JJ was a mystery to the Doctors when we arrived and all the performed tests came back NORMAL!! After 2 days the little one we shared a room with tested positive for the Rhino virus (common cold) so JJ was tested as well, that came back positive. He has shown no signs of a cold and has started gaining weight. On Monday we were discharged. JJ has continued to gain weight and today is over his birth weight!!

We really want to send a huge shout out to our doctor, nurse staff, friends and family for your prayers and help through the rough times. We really wouldn’t of made it through without all your support. We love you all so much!”

We stopped by our kids home on Friday morning the 26th of April and were concerned that our grandson was very lethargic and our kids were exhausted from trying to get him awake enough to eat properly. Later that day our grandson had another appointment with his doctor and because he continued to lose weight instead of gaining any weight she had him admitted to the NICU ward at Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital in Spokane. Spokane is 70 miles from where we live. Addy’s granny came to stay with her on Friday night when the kids traveled to Spokane with JJ and stayed the weekend with her while her mommy and daddy stayed at the hospital. Our DIL, Laura, flew in from Seattle on Sunday to help watch Addy so that Addy’s Granny could go back to work on Monday. It was all hands on deck between Addy’s care and visiting at the hospital. This was also the weekend my sister Vera was visiting so she got to help, too.  Needless to say blogging was put on a back burner.

I asked some of my blogging friends, family, our church family, the Mennonite Girls and other dear friends to pray alongside us and I’m thankful for all of you. Jaymison is eating better and so much more alert. We are praising God for his improvement. We thank God for prayer warriors who come alongside in times like these.

Our son Josh arrived on Thursday the 2nd of May to be another pair of hands to help and encourage us all. Jaymison has a good namesake.

Addy had the best of care during the hospital stay and the week after with all the doctor appointments since.

Mommy and Daddy are happy with Jaymison’s progress and more at peace.

We all wash our hands a lot and we don’t kiss or touch JJ’s face.

Baba has talked with her God and Savior a lot about our little guy.

Walks with Addy, who’s favorite question is, “go outside?”, have happened while someone besides mommy or daddy is holding JJ.

Laura has kept these special times documented. We took this shot just before Josh and Laura left to the airport to go back home today. I know their extra hands and encouragement will be missed this next week but Dan and Jamie are strong and courageous and will do a good job. We’ll continue to help when and where needed. Addy’s Granny and Great Aunt Rhonda and Uncle Scott are always on call, ready to help, too.

In times like these it is difficult to stay up with dear blogging friends but I know you all understand and have been in difficult situations and different seasons of life that make it hard to keep up, too. Thank you for your understanding.


Meeting Little Brother

24 hours after JJ was born he and his mommy were released from the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital, Addy was happy to see her Granny and Granny Great in the waiting room. Addy’s Granny works next door at the clinic. We went upstairs to the OB ward and waited outside the doors. It was a sweet reunion for Addy and her mommy, then she got a peek at her new brother for the first time.

Addy wanted to help her daddy with JJ’s carseat.

Another milestone in the books.

Today the weather has changed with some clouds and precipitation. Hope we get a sunny day while my sister is her this weekend. A busy weekend ahead for us. What’s in store for you this last weekend of April?

Tuesdays With Moisi ~ 14

Our Pops story continued…

This is our Pop’s story dictated verbally by him a few years ago. I’ll be sharing excerpts every Tuesday. When I add to his story or explain a photo I will Italicize my words. Our Pop’s words will not be italicized. Our mom does not come into Pop’s story until “Tuesdays With Moisi ~ 9” even though I’ve posted photos of her before #9. I have very few photos from our parents’ life in Russia and Persia. At the end of my Tuesday posts I’ll add links to all the other posts.

The first four years of our sojourn in the U.S saw us living in the East Los Angeles area with various family members and friends.  I worked various jobs in the construction trades.

Our second child Vera was born February 1948.

Fred, our first son, was born in October of 1949. Ellen was born in March of 1951. We bought our first house in Montebello in 1951.

Fred, Moisi, Ellen, Kathy and Vera in the front yard of our first home in Montebello Gardens which is now known as Pico Rivera.


Tim was born in January of 1958 and Steve was born in December of 1959.

In the early 60’s we moved to a bigger house in Montebello to meet the needs of our growing family. In July of 1963 Nadia surprised us all by giving birth to twins – Leonard and Lana.

I’m adding to Pop’s story about the twins. Our mom was very embarrassed and distressed when she got pregnant since she already had 6 children. She was happy to have things even and to be able to say we have 3 girls and 3 boys.  Then when the doctor told her she was having twins at age 40 it threw her into an emotional period of denial. Financially things were tough already and she wondered how we could afford to have two more babies. She didn’t even tell our Pop that she was going to have twins. She kept the fact that she was having twins a secret her whole pregnancy. We had just spent a week at Forest Home Christian Conference Center in Southern California arriving home on Saturday, July 27th. Our Pop went back to work on Monday and our mom went into labor. Pop was working on a construction site and my mom couldn’t get in touch with him. She called a friend of ours to take her to the hospital. Our mom never learned to drive. Later that day our family friend let us all know that our mom delivered twins, a girl and a boy. We were shocked and excited and waited for our Pop to arrive home so we could let him know. Pop pulled into the driveway and our brother Tim ran out to the car first and said “Pop, Pop, not one baby, two babies”, holding up two fingers.  To say our Pop was shocked is an understatement. He walked into the kitchen, sat down, and asked for a glass of punch. (Hawaiian Punch concentrate was a staple in our home in the 60’s). In those days natural childbirth was not the common practice so my mother was not awake when the twins were delivered. When they brought the twins in for her to see she told the nurses that the boy was hers but the little girl with all that dark hair was not hers because she looked Mexican (maybe she was still a little woozy from being put under). The nurses kindly informed her that both the boy and girl were definitely hers! 1963 would prove to  be an epic year in the life of our family.

This was the kitchen of our home in Montebello where our dear Pop had his glass of punch before heading to Beverly Hospital in Montebello to see his newborn twins and our mom.


Boxing Day in the Snow

On Boxing Day we all gathered at Dan and Jamie’s after breakfast for some fun in the snow and dinner. When Addy woke up from her nap we headed down the driveway for some sledding on the steeper section of the 1 mile driveway.

The sled picked up some nice speed going down and the climb back up was manageable.

Couples decided to give it a try, too.

Laura even managed a selfie zooming downhill with the snow flying in her face.


Addy didn’t think it was time to go inside and half way to the garage she noticed Auntie Katie still on the sled and high tailed it to her.

One last ride into the house.



Another great family memory in the books!

The Western kids left Friday morning for their drive to Spokane Airport for their flight home. It was a quiet afternoon here at our Country Bungalow. Dear made a trip to the dump. Two months of trash disposal cost us $10. Today we woke up to a fresh snowfall. It looks like we have about six inches.

I’ll be staying put today enjoying some down time. How about you?

She’s One of a Kind…

…and we are all happy to celebrate what she means to our families.

The collage above is of Laura’s family and our family getting together or sending greetings across the miles to wish her a very Happy Birthday. We thank God a lot that he brought our son and Laura together.

Before we headed back across the mountains for home we were able to gather with our westside kids and have a dinner in honor of Laura. We headed back to Josh and Laura’s after dinner to enjoy a pie I brought home from our Mennonite Girls Can Cook party the night before.

I’ll share more about this pie and how it made it across the line with me when I put together my MGCC party post.

We love you, Laura.

The Lord bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you and give you peace!

Today is Dear and my 44th wedding anniversary. We’re celebrating in a new locale and 1300 miles from where our journey began all those years ago.

He’s still the only guy for me then and forever.

Weekend Roundup “P”

1. Starts with “P.”
2. A Favorite.
3. “P”retty

1. Starts with “P”:

A Precious Pair at our Piano!

2. A Favorite:

Our people in plaid.

3. “P”retty:

I have so many pretty plates that I packed and unpacked and found a place for in our new place.

Parting shot…

Grand “Parents” having a photo shoot with our grand before our pumpkin dessert. And I forgot to mention we have a pond that perplexes us with it’s proper upkeep.

Linking up with Tom The Backroads Traveller for Weekend Roundup.

Happy weekend to all of you.

So Grateful…

…for our helpers.

We got to Colville on Sunday September 16th with a loaded truck, trailer and RAV. We unloaded some things at our new place and then headed to our son and dil’s to stay until our containers arrived and our internet was hooked up. Dear worked remotely from our kids’ home each morning of this first week.

Monday thru Thursday we cleaned and got things ready for our stuff. Dear has lots of painting to do but we will hold off on that for later.

The containers arrived on Wednesday September 19th. Laura, our dil, flew in on Wednesday and we enjoyed her company and Addy enjoyed some extra attention. Addy’s “dadin” (she calls her daddy dadin) was bow hunting in Colorado and she enjoyed the added family attention while he was away.

Our Satelite TV and Internet service was installed on Thursday September 20th. Because of sketchy cell phone service we ordered a booster which we will install soon.

We started unloading the first container in earnest on Friday September 21st. Our 18 month old grand loves to help and she lifted this light bin and moved it around. Our son Josh arrived on Friday and we enjoyed an extra pair of hands. Friday night was the first night we slept in our new home.

Katie and Andrew arrived late on Friday evening to Dan and Jamie’s and the whole crew came over early on Saturday to empty more of the containers.

Addy was still in her jammies and enjoyed her first breakfast at Baba and Gramps’ house.

Addy loves getting rides on the dolly.

We all laughed as Jamie did the boom box shuffle!

Dan arrived home from Colorado early on the morning of September 23 and after a couple hours of sleep came over to help, too.

Our DIL, Laura took these panoramic photos of the front and back of our property and the rest of these photos in her collage. Always a good feeling to have all the containers emptied, except for the baby grand piano. We are waiting for our son to recruit many more young men to unload it.

Our Sunday crew in our front yard. So grateful to God for each of them and their willingness to help us and grateful to God for his watch care over all of us!

Our internet is working with some cut outs and slow uploading but I’m so relieved that we can get a connection. We still have many boxes to unload and lots of organizing to do so my time remains scarce in blogdom. Hope to be back to more regular viewing soon.

Happy Fall y’all!


Tuesdays With Moisi

The Reception:

After the graveside ceremony we all got in our cars and headed to Fullerton for a luncheon reception at an extension of EVFree Fullerton. We are thankful for them allowing us to use their facilities.

Our brother Tim left the reception before we thought to take a sibling photo.  There are 8 siblings that have survived our parents. Seven of us were together for our Pop’s funeral gatherings. We have one brother who made the choice along with his family of 12 (wife, 4 children, their spouses, and 3 of our pop’s great grandchildren) not to attend and we don’t know why. Just keeping it truthful and real. I haven’t seen this brother who is a couple years older than me since 2009. They didn’t attend our mother’s funeral, either. I’m sure they have their story but it’s a bewilderment and causes sadness to the rest of us.

But…the rest of us gathered and were comforted with all our extended families and friends who did honor our dear old Pop and us by showing up and giving us hugs and encouraging words, grieving and rejoicing together.

Our parents’ grands and great grands minus about 17…

Dear’s side of our family. Bottom left is Dear with his only brother. One of his daughters, who was in Southern California, was able to attend the funeral with him.

A few more photos from my DIL’s phone. We had a good time of impromptu singing some of our favorite songs in Russian with a few of our former church buddies from the Russian Baptist Church in Los Angeles that we were part of for many years.

Josh with his cousins Hope and Andrew and his niece Addy.

Addy with her cousin once removed, our niece Debbee.

Starting next week Tuesdays with Moisi posts will begin to share the story of my Pop’s life that was given verbally by him and transcribed by a journalist from Russia.

This photo is of Pop barbecuing Shashlik (Marinated Lamb Kebobs) for his birthday party in the early 90’s.

Happy Tuesday y’all. The air is clearer in Northeastern Washington, woohoo! So thankful!