Not So Trifle Hodgepodge

1. When was the last time you chatted with a neighbor? About what? (sharing that last bit is optional)

This past week one of my neighbors rang the doorbell and asked if I would be willing to be used for a practice safety lesson for her autistic son. Her older son had a choking incident and she had to use the Heimlich maneuver on him and she wanted the younger autistic son to learn how to run and get help if she or anyone in the family needed help. I said of course and a while later the young neighbor rang my doorbell. He stood there when I opened the door, not looking me in the eye, with a shy sideways glance but said “my brother needs help”. I told him, “yes, I’d be happy to help and thank you for coming over and ringing my doorbell”.  He was happy to walk away, mission accomplished.

2. River, lake, ocean, or waterfall…which one are you most like and why?

My activity is like an ocean, it comes in waves.

My loyalty is like a river, it runs constantly.

3. July 13 is National Delaware Day. Ever been to Delaware? Delaware is called ‘the first state’ because it was the first to declare independence from the British. What’s your state’s nickname and does that moniker make sense to you? If you were in charge, what nickname would you give your home state?

I don’t think I’ve ever been to Delaware. There’s a possibility I was a passenger in a Volkswagon that drove through Delaware to get to Washington D.C. but since I wasn’t driving at the time I don’t recall the route taken.

My home state is Washington. Washington State’s nickname is The Evergreen State~ I don’t need to change it.

Washington is the second most populous state on the West Coast and in the Western United States, after California. … Washington is a leading lumber producer. Its rugged surface is rich in stands of Douglas fir, hemlock, ponderosa pine, white pine, spruce, larch, and cedar.

4. What dish did you contribute to the last pot luck meal you attended? Do you have a go-to recipe for pot luck suppers?

Trifle was my last contribution to a potluck meal. It was at a belated Father’s Day get together at our son’s home in Eastern Washington. I don’t have a go-to.

5. What is your number one tip for a brand new parent?

This, too, shall pass. Or a great Russian saying that gets a little lost in translation is “By the time they get married they will have forgotten this happened, or this will heal by the time they get married.”

6. Insert your own random thought here.

This week’s favorite expression from Addy May…

She’s a bit concerned that Baba is way across the mountains from her. Thankfully she’s going to brave a road trip and come visit us this coming weekend so she can meet a great auntie and cousins and the an uncle she has not met yet!

Thank you Jo for coming up with the questions for Wednesday Hodgepodge! Click over to join in the fun.

InSPIREd Sunday


I’ve posted this church before but on this day the light and the clouds and all made for a lovely view of it. I took this on our recent trip to our son’s home in August.

This is St. Mary of the Rosary in Chewelah Washington. Chewelah is a one signal town in Northeastern Washington on Highway 395.

I’m linking up with Beth and Sally at InSPIREd Sunday.

Chewelah Murals and Spokane Mosaics

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It was hard to get the whole of this mural in one photo. This mural is on the side of a building along highway 395 in downtown Chewelah, Washington. Chewelah is a one traffic signal town in the northeastern corner of the state of Washington.

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Dear and I are spending several days between Chewelah and Colville with our son and daughter in law. It’s a nice change to be out in the country, in small towns.


The early settlers named the town Chewelah (spelled various ways). According to some sources, this was an Interior Salish Indian word for small, striped snake, which refers either to snakes in the area or to the narrow, serpentine appearance of the river. Alice Sherwood Abrahamson, a member of one of the Indian families still living in the Chewelah area around 1900, offered this explanation in a memoir: “The name Chewelah comes from the Indian word ‘S che wee leh,’ meaning water or garter snake. There was a spring in what is now the southwest end of Chewelah. The old McCreas lived there and their homestead was called ‘S che wee leh ee,’ for the spring that bubbled up there. The motion of the water gave the illusion of snakes moving about in the water”

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Another mural on the side of a building that I spotted along highway 395.  On this portion of the highway the speed limit is 25 miles per hour so it’s a little easier to spot gems to photograph.

I’m linking up to Monday Mural with Oakland Daily Photo.

This Sunday was a full day for all of us. Dear and our son continued work on the pump house and our daughter in law and I traveled down to Spokane for the Bubble Run on the Spokane Riverfront. In the late afternoon we joined in for a birthday barbecue for our daughter in law’s aunt in Colville.



I’m also linking up to Mosaic Monday with Maggie at Normandy Life.

We have one more full day in the country before we head back home to the city. Hope you all have a great start to your week.

Helpful Views…

Views like these are helping us to find some quiet relaxing moments amidst all the hustle and bustle of getting everything ready for the wedding. Since they are predicting very high temps, over 100 degrees, we are trying to keep our cool. It’s been fun for my extended family to be able to see the area that Dan lives in and to enjoy the acres that he owns. On Thursday some more guests arrive and then on Friday most of our friends and family who can travel here will arrive. We are hosting a very casual dinner on Friday evening. It’s time to put my new memory card in my camera!

Thanks so much for all your prayers and good thoughts on my previous post.

Flag Day Barns

Before I show you my barns for this week I just wanted to wish everyone in the U.S. of A. a very happy Flag Day! We are flying our flags in a nice breeze here in the Seattle area today!

The photos of the barns this week were taken in April when we were at our son’s home in Eastern Washington. This was a nice fresh barn type structure for horses in Chewelah, Washington. The next photo was down the road a bit and not so fresh!

I’m linking up with The Barn Collective started by Amy and hosted now by Tom The Backroads Traveller.

Garden Fences!

When you live in the country you have to put fences up around your garden so that you can enjoy the bounty instead of the deer and other wildlife. Our son built this fence for his soon to be wife. Jamie’s Garden is producing some great vegetables already. If the deer could read the sign they would know they are not welcome in Jamie’s Garden.

I see lots of fresh salads and salsa in their future!

I’m linking up to Signs, signs with Lesley and to Good Fences #63 with TexWisGirl!

Country Favorites!

We had so much fun watching the critters at our son’s home in the country. Katie grabbed my camera and took a lot of these photos. She also worked on identifying the birds. We were in Eastern Washington from Sunday until Wednesday.

This is a Calliope hummingbird.

A tree swallow.

I think this is a Rufous Capped or Golden Crowned Warbler.

The horses grazing are always a treat to see. We saw deer but didn’t get any photos of them this time. I also got a photo of some wild turkeys that I haven’t uploaded yet.

We managed to cross some things off the wedding “to do” list and got other things accomplished, too. We had a good relaxing and hard working time together. The wedding is at the end of June.

Today is Dear’s last day at his current job. His list is getting long for what he wants to accomplish during his “off” time. We’ll get a taste of what retirement might feel like. I’ll be sure to show you his projects along the way.

After getting back home the lawn needed mowing and our poor plants needed a good watering. We really are in a dry pattern for our neck of the woods. I was so beat last night that I went to bed at 7:00 pm and didn’t wake up until 5:00 am. We have a quiet weekend to look forward to. How about you?

I’m linking up with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for Friday’s Fave Five!

InSPIREd Sunday ~ Chewelah

While in Eastern Washington last weekend we had a little driving time down Main Street in Chewelah and spotted the Chewelah Baptist Church. Linking to InSPIREd Sunday with Beth and Sally.

We had a great weekend in Eastern Washington spending time in Chewelah, Colville and Kettle Falls. Today I’m just back from a 24 hour trip to Southern California. Travel two weekends in a row has gotten the best of me. I’m looking forward to a quiet week and a stay at home weekend to come. How are things in your neck of the woods?