In the Garden…

I love it when Auntie Lolo comes to visit because she keeps us supplied with up to the minute photos of the happenings in our little corner of the world. Thank you, Laura, for your eye on the happenings and your skill on selfies!


Jamie is our family gardener and you can see why our greenhouse should live in her garden. It’s not put up yet but all the pieces are on site and ready to be constructed.

This little guy has discovered his feet!

Our skies last evening on the way into town for Addy’s Granny’s birthday dinner.

New fire and more smoke in our neighborhood. I’m staying inside resting my eyes and avoiding the bad air quality.

Happy Friday to you!

Garden Fences!

When you live in the country you have to put fences up around your garden so that you can enjoy the bounty instead of the deer and other wildlife. Our son built this fence for his soon to be wife. Jamie’s Garden is producing some great vegetables already. If the deer could read the sign they would know they are not welcome in Jamie’s Garden.

I see lots of fresh salads and salsa in their future!

I’m linking up to Signs, signs with Lesley and to Good Fences #63 with TexWisGirl!