A Puzzling Hodgepodge

Happy last day of January everyone. Here are the Hodgepodge questions we pondered by Joyce From This Side of the Pond this week.

1. January 29th is National Puzzle Day. Do you enjoy puzzles? What kind (crossword, jigsaw, sudoku, etc)?  How often do you work a puzzle? 

I am a jigsaw puzzle fan and I will work on them when the season is right and the time is right. While waiting for each of our grandchildren to be born we worked on a jigsaw puzzle in the hospital delivery waiting room to pass the hours away. I’ve completed two puzzles this month and am now just starting this one.

I have not gotten into sudoku or crossword puzzles. The photo at the top of this post are some of the jigsaw puzzles completed in the past year.

2. Something you currently find ‘puzzling’? 

I’m in the throws of troubling and puzzling and am wrestling with my thoughts and feelings on this issue. It’s nothing to do with my family or marriage which is a blessing but it has captured a lot of my attention. I’ll be praying and watching and waiting on how it progresses.

3. What’s your go-to dish to take to someone who needs a meal (new baby, bereavement, etc)? 

The go to was chicken thighs baked with Italian dressing and served with rice and whole green beans, not canned beans. Some of the ladies in our church are providing meals for someone who is undergoing aggressive treatment for breast cancer and who is too wiped out to think about cooking. I had to come up with more than my standard go to so I’m looking forward to reading what fellow Hodgepodgers share to help me come up with something new.

The photo above is a Teriyaki Glazed Skillet Chicken that I will make for the next meal for our friend. My recipe will post on Saturday.

4. Do you watch any HGTV and/or The Food Network? If so, what’s your favorite program there? 

I watched more in the past but not so much anymore. In the past we enjoyed, The Kitchen on Saturday mornings. We thoroughly enjoyed all the Fixer Upper shows. When the new season of shows come on we’ll watch them. I’ve enjoyed the Food Truck challenges in the past. Flea Market Flip is another show I’ll watch once in a while if I’m sick and need to make the hours pass quicker in my head.

5.  Wrap up your January in five words, with a five word phrase, or with a five word sentence. 

I have two…

Celebrate Three birthdays and more.

Snow, Fog, rain, minus sunshine. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

The top view of this collage has been the norm around our parts for many days in a row. We are hoping to see more of that bottom view soon!

See you soon, Hodgepodgers.

Brambly Hedge

I started a new puzzle last week and what a delight this one was. When a puzzle company like Cobble Hill includes a puzzle poster in the box it makes me grateful. It is much easier finding where a piece goes by looking at a poster instead of the top of the box.

The box lid always has portions of the art work covered up.

I finished the puzzle last weekend.

This was the Spring Story. They also have a Summer, Fall and Winter story. Are you familiar with Brambly Hedge books and China? The Fall teacup and saucer is the only one I have. It was a Goodwill purchase several years ago.

Royal Doulton Autumn, England, Jill Barklem 1983. Jill Barklem was a British writer and illustrator of children’s books. Her most famous work is the Brambly Hedge series, published from 1980.

Not sure what inspired me but I got some much needed tasks done in our office this week. I’m patting myself on the back for the organization that I completed this week. I shredded two large trash bags full of paperwork/receipts/etc. that we didn’t need lying around cluttering our world. Sorting through my desk I was able to again throw away things we don’t need and put things where they more logically belong. In the process our grab and go box is all set, too.

Do you have a grab and go box?

Happy Friday everyone!

Beatrix Potter

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Beatrix Potter and The Tale of Peter Rabbit and all his friends. For Christmas I received the sweet print above and the tea towel below from Josh and Laura.

Right now on our dining room table this puzzle is slowly, very slowly coming together.

It is very tough and I only have me to blame because I ordered it from my year long puzzle club Dan and Jamie gifted me for my birthday last year.

My collection of Beatrix Potter Figurines are here and here.

We had more snow and now we are having some frigid temperatures. We are celebrating our Dan and Jamie’s birthdays tonight. Making something new to me and I hope it turns out good for everyone! I’ll have to move that puzzle since it is on the dining room table at present.

Closer to Home

Things are shaping up here at our country bungalow in preparation for our Thanksgiving Festivities.

Our feathered friends have made some fine appearances, too.


We’ve noticed with our covey of Quails that there is always a lookout stationed above the rest to let them know of impending danger.

We love it when quail come to visit.


This beauty also graced us with an appearance long enough for some photos.

I’m guessing this is a Northern Flicker. Please correct me if I’m wrong.



I’m working on a puzzle of Dublin and have made some good progress. I’ll need to finish this one before Thanksgiving.

What is new in your corner of the world.

Goodbye August

Another week of soccer for these two. Because of our smoke filled week a while back, soccer was extended to next week which will make for a very full week with the beginning of Homeschool Co-op and Awana!

Finally… I finished this puzzle which was harder than many with the coloring and the fact that all the pieces were similar!

It was okay that it took so long since our dining table was not in heavy demand in August. It will be cleared off for dinner tonight with our local kids and grands.

Welcome to September which will be a full month for us. Fall ministries are starting up at church. Awana, Women’s Bible Study, Mops, Women’s Retreat and Connection Groups are all happening in September.  Our Grands and their mom will be full speed ahead with Homeschool and Co-op.  A milestone birthday for someone in the family is coming up. We are also gearing up for a trip to a land we’ve never been to before. More details to follow soon.

What does September hold for you?

Remember When Hodgepodge

Jo has worked on some more questions for us to answer for Hodgepodge Wednesday. Want to join in the fun?

1. What’s your earliest memory?

With this old brain this is a tough one for me. I seem to remember being in front of a wonderful bakery with cookies displayed, a Jewish Bakery, in East Los Angeles. Bakeries always draw me in and that brings me to my biggest first world problem!!

We moved from East Los Angeles to Montebello Gardens soon afterwards and most of my ‘early’ memories are connected with that property. I remember things like an incinerator in the back yard. A cement slab where our new family room would be built where we played jacks for hours. Our first black and white TV, watching Engineer Bill, Chucko the Birthday Clown, Ed Sullivan, The Mickey Mouse Club, and other Disney shows that included the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew? The only books we owned were Bibles and Encyclopedia Britannica. I remember having to sit for what seemed to me hours in front of a bowl of borsch, not wanting to eat it, after everyone else had left the table. Stopping by the seed man after ‘Big Church’ to buy packets of ‘plain’ sunflower seeds that came in brown paper packets and pumpkin seeds that came in clearer paper packets.

I better stop there, you really got my old brain going.

2. What’s something about you today that the old you would find surprising? 

The old me would be surprised that I moved away from the Southern California Beaches to Washington State and now I’ve left the city girl life for the country far far away from the coastal beaches!

3. Do you like to fish? Are you a fish eater? Favorite fish (to eat)? Favorite way to prepare fish? 

You know, I’m not a fan of fish unless it’s Fish and Chips or fish tacos!

4. What’s your biggest first world problem? 

Keeping that bakery weight off is my biggest first world problem!

5. What one word would you use to describe your year thus far? 

Sanctifying. Growing in the Word of God, the work of the Holy Spirit and fellowship of Believers. This is a life long process that got sharpened this year after Greg’s stroke last November and the state of our world. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We got rain on Tuesday and what a wonderful sound that was to wake up to. We’ve had such oppressive smoke filled skies because of fires and the rain should help. Hopefully the rain will fall on all the fires in the region and help the Fire Fighters with their seemingly endless task!

Another good day to stay in and make a dent in the sky of this puzzle!


Smoke and Puzzles

All these sets of photos show what our view could be and what we usually enjoy contrasted to what those similar views look like with our smoke filled skies.

As you can guess the air quality is not good for working hard or exercising so I’ve added putting together some of my puzzles to my daily ‘things to do’ list.


I finished this one which was very enjoyable to put together.

This next one is a lot tougher and I don’t gravitate to the dining room table as often as with the London puzzle.

This one is of Eilean Donan Castle in Scotland. Hopefully I can face the sky in this one soon.

What’s new in your corner?

Update: I just woke up to the glorious sound of rain! Thank you, Lord. It’s been raining steadily for a while and there are already puddles. Hoping the rain will make a huge dent in the fires in our region and that the rain continues north to British Columbia to help with their fires, too. 

Fun With Gnomes

With the help of my daughter we finished this huge puzzle Saturday the 19th of March. I started it well before and worked on it for a couple of weeks. It was good to have the help of Katie at the end. It was challenging but fun. I like this scene and the shades of blue and green.

Forest Gnomes by Jeff Tift. Item no. 36510

Me and my puzzler.

Oh…the weather outside has been lovely. We even pulled out a couple patio chairs to soak up some vitamin D.

We have a busy week and weekend ahead. How is life where you are?

First Winter Puzzle

Our daughter helped with this puzzle on Christmas Day before everyone arrived for dinner and we put it away. We don’t keep the puzzles out when our dear Grands come over.

When the puzzle is complete I’ll share again.

I’m also working on a Turkey post as they are entertaining us daily here at our Country Bungalow! Coincidence…we had Turkey Chili on Friday, too.

After shoveling, and clearing snow off our roof and snowshoeing I’ve come down with a bit of a Tennis Elbow, ouch. Friday I took the day off from doing anything that involved tension on my right elbow. I’m using some Biofreeze which is helpful.

My kitchen Elf aka Dear filled the dishwasher for me and washed the dishes that don’t go in the dishwasher from the early birthday party we had for Dan and Jamie here on Thursday evening. I won’t be shoveling snow in the near future for sure.

Thankful for a quiet weekend here. What’s happening in your corner?

Peonies and Puzzles

Most of our white peonies decided to be ready at the same time so I scrambled to find containers for them. Our house has a wonderful fragrance from these blooms.

Weekend before last we finished up my London Puzzle, #15 in the books.

Last night we had a thunder and lightning storm and as I look out this morning our pink peonies are just about ready to burst, too. Yikes I’m running out of vases, pitchers and other containers!

Our ‘server’, whoever that is, will not upload any more of my photos this morning so I’ll leave you with these. I’m off to get our car serviced at the local Toyota dealer.

When I came in from weeding the server decided I could upload more photos.

Thankful that our yards got a good watering with the storm in the early hours so I won’t need to water today. I appreciate God’s watering! Have a good day everyone.