Soft and Quick

Our soft quiet snow was nice while it lasted. The 5 inches we got has quickly melted. Some people just 5 miles from us only got an inch. Our kids on the other side of town got 3 inches. Now we are in the drip drip drip melting stage.

It’s always fun to scientifically document the snowfall. 🙂

Praying for our friend who used to blog, Pam. She is having brain surgery today.

I’ve prayed for many friends who I have met through blogging.

Philippians 2:4: “Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.”

In Like a Cat?

We’ve had some varied Winter weather here the last few days. Thursday and Friday the skies were blue with pretty white clouds and very cold. This is the view we have as we get close to the highway traveling from our home.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. Psalm 19:1-2
Grateful for our views where God has planted us for this season of our lives. Thank you, LORD.

March has not come in like a Lion and I hope it still will go out like a lamb.

This photo is looking back driving towards our home from the highway.

Saturday we had a change in the weather and got some wet snow that started to stick for a while.

It all melted off the plants and posts and bird houses by Saturday evening.

I might have spoken too soon about March coming in like a cat instead of a lion because this morning we woke up to another 3 inches of fluffy snow! And now we have 5 inches!

We have some busier days ahead in March, especially with Easter landing on the very last day of March this year.

How does March look for you?

Table Set for Nine

It was fun to plan for seven guests, two families, from our church on Tuesday evening.

Since the nine of us were together around the table for the first time we had name cards with a conversation question written in each place card.

I should have done the age math better because one of the questions was, “Where were you when John F. Kennedy was shot?” None of our guests were alive when Kennedy was shot!!

Thankfully the other questions were appropriate for the audience!

The dessert photo is the only photo that captured our guests at the table, sort of. Just as well since I didn’t ask permission to plaster their faces on my blog.

We had tri-tip, rice with raisins and almonds, pea salad (brought by a guest), southwest beans, and Strawberry Ice Cream cake for dessert.

Are you curious about the other questions besides the John F. Kennedy one?

  1. What high school did you graduate from and tell us about the city it is in?
  2. Do you have siblings? Tell us about them and where they live.
  3. Which foreign countries have you visited? If you haven’t which one would you like to visit?
  4. What city and state were you born in? What is it’s claim to fame?
  5. Where were you when you became a follower of Jesus?
  6. What is your favorite season and why?
  7. Tell us your: Favorite Book. Book of the Bible. Bible Verse.
  8. As a couple how many churches have you attended and tell us about them.

We had a lively discussion even without the questions but it was nice to have a concentrated ‘listen’ to each of our guests voices while they answered their question.

Welcome to March!

No Winter Lasts Forever…

…No spring fails to appear.

Our last door wreath had seen better days so we picked this one on our last trip to HomeGoods in Spokane.

Last Thursday, Friday and Saturday we were able to spend time outside clearing some dead growth in several of our planters. We got a very good start but aren’t finished, yet. It was encouraging to see signs of Spring growth in those planters.





I changed up my plate hanger with these dishes, Dreamtown Made in England by Johnson Brothers. I have 4 dinner plates. They were a thrift store find.

Soon I’ll be pulling out the Easter bin and changing things up again with lots of Spring accents.

Are you seeing signs of Spring in your corner of the world?

What’s Your View Hodgepodge

Joyce, From This Side of the Pond has new questions for Wednesday Hodgepodge to inspire the Thinker in us.

I love this view from August of 2019 when a few of our MGCC (Mennonite Girls Can Cook) friends came to camp in our front acre for a few days. Such a fun time of eating and fellowship together.

1. What kind of thinker are you-doer concrete thinking) analyst (analytical and abstract thinking), orator (logical thinking) inventor (imaginative thinking) or original thinker (creative)? What makes you say so? You can try this little quiz (link here) to help with your answer. 

I scored the highest in Doer/Original Thinker. Get er done people! 🙂

2. Do you own a crock pot, air fryer, and/or instapot? Do you leave said small appliance sitting out? How often do you use it/them? Favorite thing to make in one of these? 

Just a Crock pot. We had an instapot for awhile but I gave it to our kids because it mostly sat in the cupboard. Crock pot is in my pantry. I use it infrequently. I like to use it for a roast or for Carnitas.

3. What’s something you hold a strong opinion on that matters not at all in the grand scheme of things? 

Coffee should be black and unadulterated. No flavored coffee for me, please. Freshly ground, too, please. And strong, please. Make it strong. Is that a strong enough opinion?

4. Describe the view from your window. 

When we were looking for our retirement home in 2018, one of the desires I expressed was to have views out my windows that did not include a neighbor’s carport or any building in close proximity. I’m so grateful for our views. This is our kitchen sink window view. We see trees and mountains and horses and barns in the distance. Sometimes we see haystacks or rolls of hay. Frequently we are visited by deer, turkeys, quail, barn swallows and occasionally we smell a skunk. Just to keep it real we also get that foul smell in the air sometimes because there are lots of cows around us. It reminds us that we live in the country.

5. Do you have a favorite brand? Explain.

Toyota. We love our Toyotas. Our Toyotas have served us well and lasted a long time. Our Toyota Van was the first brand new Toyota we bought in 1985 just before Katie was born. Our 1992 Toyota Corolla all track was such a great car in the snow. We gifted our used Toyotas to our kids and they served them well, too.  Our 1999 Camry was gifted to Katie and Andrew. Katie and I drove it across the U.S. from the Seattle area to Camp LeJeune, Jacksonville N.C. in 2014 to set up an apartment for K & A upon Andrew’s return from Afghanistan. That car made it back from Jacksonville with Katie and Andrew after Andrew’s service was completed and they used it until 2020ish.  That Toyota was then gifted to our Grand Nephew who lives in Southern California. Unfortunately it was totaled in an accident last year. Our Grand Nephew was not injured in that accident and it was not his fault. In total we’ve purchased 5 new Toyotas. We also purchased 4 used Toyotas. Currently we still have our 2007 Camry and we have a 2019 Toyota Highlander.

On our cross country trip in 2014, our first stop from our home in Kenmore for the night was in Bozeman, Montana. When we woke up and looked out the window we saw the car covered with snow. That was not something we anticipated. We put our big girl pants on and soldiered on with God’s help to our next stop in Rapid City, South Dakota.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

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This is the rear view mirror of that 1999 Camry looking back on the highway during our epic journey across the USA in 2014. It was fun to look back and remember this trip with my daughter with all it’s twists and turns.

Valentine Treats With Love

Our favorite Valentine’s stopped by to give us some love and we returned some love to them.

We got a special homemade Sour Dough loaf from Jamie and Dan. She has the bread skills down!

This Friday will be busier than usual. Hope all is well in your corner of the world.

Candlelit Dinner


It was fun to set this table and a lot more fun to enjoy most of our family around it for a belated birthday dinner. I wanted it sparkly. After I lit all the candles Addy and JJ wanted the other lights off so we could just have the candles give us light. We had a wonderful candlelit dinner.

Monday got away from me because of some further work Greg and our son had to do on our Water Heater. They had to empty the water tank and replace the elements which were in horrible shape. New ones are in so we should be good for a few years or at least we hope for that. Our grands were here during the work on the tank and they kept me very busy. Hoping for a quiet day today so I can catch up!

Hope your week has started well.

Happy Weekend

Josh and Laura arrived to our side of the mountains on Friday afternoon and we enjoyed a belated birthday dinner for Josh in candlelight. After we lit the candles JJ and Addy asked if we could turn off the other lights and just have the candles giving us light. It was a special dinner and weekend together. Friday night after dinner and cake, checkers and Legos and ‘Don’t Break the Ice’ were the entertainment.

On Saturday we gathered on the ‘Mountain’ and had a delicious lunch of Beef Stew with Jamie’s amazing sour dough bread creations. This time she baked regular and one with siracha.

After lunch Addy had her nails done and then wanted to polish our nails, too. She did a fine job.

Saturday late afternoon and early evening it was time for the Awana Grand Prix. Addy was pleased with her car the Silver Star.

We were all there to cheer everyone on. We weren’t winners this year.

On Sunday we filled a row at church. It was good to worship together. We had lunch out and too soon it was time for Josh and Laura to travel back over the mountains home. We love you, We love you, We love you. Thanks for making the trek and spending good times with us!

Thank you, too, for sharing your photos!

Tomorrow I’ll post photos of the Birthday Candlelight Tablescape.

Our weekend was full and I did not spend time on the computer or make any blog visits. I’ll get caught up soon.

A Puzzling Hodgepodge

Happy last day of January everyone. Here are the Hodgepodge questions we pondered by Joyce From This Side of the Pond this week.

1. January 29th is National Puzzle Day. Do you enjoy puzzles? What kind (crossword, jigsaw, sudoku, etc)?  How often do you work a puzzle? 

I am a jigsaw puzzle fan and I will work on them when the season is right and the time is right. While waiting for each of our grandchildren to be born we worked on a jigsaw puzzle in the hospital delivery waiting room to pass the hours away. I’ve completed two puzzles this month and am now just starting this one.

I have not gotten into sudoku or crossword puzzles. The photo at the top of this post are some of the jigsaw puzzles completed in the past year.

2. Something you currently find ‘puzzling’? 

I’m in the throws of troubling and puzzling and am wrestling with my thoughts and feelings on this issue. It’s nothing to do with my family or marriage which is a blessing but it has captured a lot of my attention. I’ll be praying and watching and waiting on how it progresses.

3. What’s your go-to dish to take to someone who needs a meal (new baby, bereavement, etc)? 

The go to was chicken thighs baked with Italian dressing and served with rice and whole green beans, not canned beans. Some of the ladies in our church are providing meals for someone who is undergoing aggressive treatment for breast cancer and who is too wiped out to think about cooking. I had to come up with more than my standard go to so I’m looking forward to reading what fellow Hodgepodgers share to help me come up with something new.

The photo above is a Teriyaki Glazed Skillet Chicken that I will make for the next meal for our friend. My recipe will post on Saturday.

4. Do you watch any HGTV and/or The Food Network? If so, what’s your favorite program there? 

I watched more in the past but not so much anymore. In the past we enjoyed, The Kitchen on Saturday mornings. We thoroughly enjoyed all the Fixer Upper shows. When the new season of shows come on we’ll watch them. I’ve enjoyed the Food Truck challenges in the past. Flea Market Flip is another show I’ll watch once in a while if I’m sick and need to make the hours pass quicker in my head.

5.  Wrap up your January in five words, with a five word phrase, or with a five word sentence. 

I have two…

Celebrate Three birthdays and more.

Snow, Fog, rain, minus sunshine. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

The top view of this collage has been the norm around our parts for many days in a row. We are hoping to see more of that bottom view soon!

See you soon, Hodgepodgers.

Foggy With a Chance of Sunshine

We have had quite a stretch of foggy days with several days of rain, too.

“Faith is like radar that sees through the fog—the reality of things at a distance that the human eye cannot see.” – Corrie Ten Boom.


And then a glorious couple hours of this…

The sun broke through the fog and we could see blue sky for just a few hours on Friday and now we are back to fog and rain. That couple of hours reminds us that the sky is still blue and the sun is still there and the fog will lift again.

How are the skies where you are?