Soft and Quick

Our soft quiet snow was nice while it lasted. The 5 inches we got has quickly melted. Some people just 5 miles from us only got an inch. Our kids on the other side of town got 3 inches. Now we are in the drip drip drip melting stage.

It’s always fun to scientifically document the snowfall. 🙂

Praying for our friend who used to blog, Pam. She is having brain surgery today.

I’ve prayed for many friends who I have met through blogging.

Philippians 2:4: “Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.”

Emerging Slowly

We are having daytime temperatures above freezing so some of our yard art and rocks are becoming visible.

Our sea glass float is just popping out of it’s snow blanket.

There is our gentle shepherd planter poking up his head.

Two out of the three bunnies are enjoying the sun on their faces.

The other things that are being revealed are the plants that need some trimming.

Soon enough more needed gardening will be revealed. I’ll just consider that work and enjoy the winter rest from it for a few more weeks. A little less than 2 more weeks before it is officially Spring.

Hope you have a good week ahead!

February 1st Walk About…

…our snowy backyard.

On Saturday the temperatures were in the upper 40’s and the sun was shining so we decided to walk about the yard and see some of the winter damage. The winds were coming in gusts so we did not walk too close to the trees. The wind was strong enough to down a lot of branches and trees around our area and to cause power outages. Our power stayed on.

Although we have not seen the deer we know by these tracks that they have definitely been in the yard. Their deposits and hoof prints are a lot more visible against the snow.

This tree suffered a lot of damage from the weight of the snow and winds. We have decided that it needs to come down soon. We will miss it. We will have quite a pile of branches from the front and rear trees for our burn pile.

Dear spotted more deer tracks down in the emptied pond.

One or more of the trees on the mountain behind us have fallen. We have a lot of work cut out for us come late Spring and Summer. If you look on the upper photo of the collage above you can see the fallen tree. I zoomed in on the other photos to get a close up.

The photo above shows how the tree split close to the base of the tree.

That blue sky was a welcomed treat!

Our Weeping Pussy Willow is leaning over from the weight of the snow. We hope we can save it. The only color in our yard right now besides the evergreens are these red berries.

It took several tries for me to be able to upload my photos today. The joy of country satellite connections. Oh and speaking of country we have Dish provider for TV. They cut the Fox channel that was televising the Superbowl game so we weren’t able to watch. There were a lot of angry Dish customers. Thank goodness the Seahawks weren’t playing. I was happy to hear that Kansas City ended up winning. Sorry San Francisco fans.

Happy Groundhog Day! I hear we are suppose to have an early Spring. Time will tell.

We had a good morning at church with Communion and a sermon from the book of Hebrews. We enjoyed the grandkids sitting with us and thankfully they were not disruptive. Quiet cuteness! Jaymison was entertained by the singing and watching all those people. Addy hopped from lap to lap. She had her parents, Gramps, Baba and Granny to keep her occupied. She did wonder why she couldn’t have the “crackers” when the gluten free matzah came around for the Communion service. During our benevolent offering which we always have after Communion one of our elementary kids played the offertory on the piano. So sweet that our young people can share their talents in our services.

Has your church gone to gluten free for your Communion services?