Walking Five…

…not the walking dead.

16682032_10212157387638202_2520519484868074218_nLast Friday Dear and I ventured out to the Sammamish River Trail for a walk. We walked until the raindrops were hitting us in the face. With our walk by the end of the day my fitbit registered 13,858 steps. Here’s a trail photo.


16649305_10212166315861402_813630701497825657_nSaturday morning we walked on boardwalks and walkways at Juanita Bay Park. At the end of this day I had 13,372 steps. Here’s a photo from Juanita Bay.


16711954_10212184236749413_1190845926328543452_nOn Monday we walked part of the Centennial Trail in Snohomish. It was sunny. I registered 13,113 steps by the end of the day.


16711502_10212191317206420_6096085571225722153_nOn Tuesday we walk/hiked the North Trail at St. Edward State park. It was more of a huff and puff walk. By the end of Tuesday I had 12,130. I thought I should have gotten double credit in steps for this hike.


16641117_10212201011208764_6983734263527860830_nOn Wednesday the rains returned with a vengeance so we ventured out from home when there was a slight break in the precipitation. Hoodies up! At the end of Wednesday I registered 12,614 steps.

I’m hoping to keep up with over 10,000 steps every day. I’m also hoping to drop a few pounds. This will be a slow process as I’m not counting calories just increasing my activity. Time will tell if this might work long term for controlling weight gain.

1. Thankful that Dear and I can walk in safe places. 2. Thankful we can still move in this way. We have aches and pains but not debilitating. 3. Thankful for the beauty of God’s creation that we see on our walks. 4. Thankful for some sunshiny days between the rainy days. 5. Thankful for time together to talk and to laugh and to see new things none of which drain the pocketbook.

Linking up to Five on Friday with Amy at Love Made My Home and Friday’s Fave Five with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story.

About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

32 thoughts on “Walking Five…

  1. Well done on all those steps. Bet you thoroughly enjoyed those beautiful walks. I try to do at least 10,000 steps a day but it’s not always easy. Having a good week so far 🙂 Hopefully you will do lots more steps this weekend. B x

  2. Walking is the way to go. You are so lucky to have a walking partner and beautiful places to walk. It makes a difference! Good for You! Have a lovely, walk filled weekend!

  3. I love that you and your husband get out and walk together! We have done that, too, and we have some of the best conversations doing that. Our weather isn’t good for walking here where we live but we do go to work out together every day. It is fun. When our weather gets better we will probably resume our daily walks here also.

    I enjoyed your list of fives. Your number five is a huge blessing in marriage.

  4. Five wonderful things to be grateful for. It is great to get out and about walking and you have done well to keep up those fitbit steps:)

  5. good job on the hiking and the steps!!! if we ever get rid of this white stuff, i will be hitting the trails again. my goal in these winter months are 9000 steps but ever since our two big storms ive registered only about 7500 each day! ugh.

    power walking and hiking is very good for weight control my doc says among ither benefits but to really lose pounds diets have ti change…since im eating more plant based foods ive noticed a difference. now to get hubby on board. ive always been about 115 but wowza…..ever since menopause that weight is now 10 lbs more!! dislike!!!!

    enjoymyour weekend and i hope you get to do more hiking/walking! love your photos!!!!

  6. The title of your post and the following sentence made me chuckle. What beautiful places you have to walk! I’m wanting to get out and hike more as well. Your post certainly inspires me to do just that.

  7. Wonderful walks in some beautiful places. So nice to get out in the fresh air with a good walking buddy to keep you company. Both of my son’s live in Sammamish. I’ve always wanted to walk that trail….Cute selfies. x Karen

  8. You have been stepping out, good for you! You certainly choose some great places to hike, despite the weather it’s obvious that you both enjoyed challenging your fitbit.

  9. I like that you’ve marked each hike with a selfie 🙂
    Speaking of photos, could I steal a shot of your dad for the church directory? He’s been away most of the times we’ve been photographing and we’d love to have him added.

  10. I need to increase my activity — been sitting behind my writing desk too much. I’m inspired by your post. Walking is my favourite form of exercise, especially when it’s out in the middle of nature’s beauty and fresh air.

    Wishing you and hubby continued joy in your exercise — the benefits are so worth it, aren’t they.

  11. I’m glad you’re getting out to walk every day! You have gorgeous places to walk and hike. On Saturday we took TWO walks around our neighborhood to make up for the days we’ve been stranded inside with all the torrents
    A friend is sending me her fitbit she doesn’t use! I’ll be contacting you for instructions on its use!

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