Garden Fences!

When you live in the country you have to put fences up around your garden so that you can enjoy the bounty instead of the deer and other wildlife. Our son built this fence for his soon to be wife. Jamie’s Garden is producing some great vegetables already. If the deer could read the sign they would know they are not welcome in Jamie’s Garden.

I see lots of fresh salads and salsa in their future!

I’m linking up to Signs, signs with Lesley and to Good Fences #63 with TexWisGirl!

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

16 thoughts on “Garden Fences!

  1. Cute….shows the love your son has for his sweetie. I’m sure she’ll tend to that garden well and together they will enjoy the goodness from it.

  2. A must for sure for us folks who garden in the country, the deer, rabbit, and other critters would love our garden too.Have a blessed day!

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