Closer to Home

Things are shaping up here at our country bungalow in preparation for our Thanksgiving Festivities.

Our feathered friends have made some fine appearances, too.


We’ve noticed with our covey of Quails that there is always a lookout stationed above the rest to let them know of impending danger.

We love it when quail come to visit.


This beauty also graced us with an appearance long enough for some photos.

I’m guessing this is a Northern Flicker. Please correct me if I’m wrong.



I’m working on a puzzle of Dublin and have made some good progress. I’ll need to finish this one before Thanksgiving.

What is new in your corner of the world.

Baby Quail

The parents are so protective as they should be.  I can’t get close enough to get a good photo without them scurrying away.

Zooming through the slider window, it’s hard to get a good clear shot.

It’s such a delight to spot the baby quail with their parents.

Tomorrow we will be celebrating the 4th with friends from church. If you live in the U.S.A. enjoy our Independence Day!

Feather Variety

Wednesday Hodgepodge is taking the month of January off. It will resume on February 1st.

I’m going to speed up the rest of my England posts and finish them off in the month of January.

We continue to enjoy our bird sightings.

This was our first viewing of the House Finches this winter. The others have been daily visitors.

It was fun to see the red feathers thrown into the mix.

January has started very quiet around our Country Bungalow. That suits me fine. I’ve started another puzzle, much harder than the one we put together on Katie’s birthday. We enjoyed watching the Rose Parade on RFD TV. I found their coverage so much better than the major stations. The college games droned on in the background as I worked on the 1,000 piece puzzle.

Hope 2023 has started kindly in your corner.

All Creatures Great and Small…



What a treat to view this kind of critter wonderland out our window sitting on our couch and recliner on Sunday afternoon.

Earlier on this Sunday we enjoyed our Children’s Musical and Play, It All Happened in the Country, for our church service. The presentation was so well done and so much fun with the meaning of Christmas presented so well. My photos aren’t the best but they will help me remember.


We sat in the front row with our two little grands to enjoy the presentation.

It was a good day all around with God’s goodness showering down on us.

Feed the Birds


We have been entertained by Quail and smaller birds like Juncos these days. We bought another bird feeder to put up this weekend since we are going to get even more snow and the birds are flocking to the bird feeders and the seeds that fall on the snow.

Our grounds will most likely be covered with snow through Christmas. They are predicting more snow until Sunday morning. Time to pull out our snow shoes!

I’ve been busy trying to get our Christmas Greetings ready to go to the post office. Some Christmas decorations are up but the tree is still undecorated. My organization is suffering these days.

Hope all is well in your corner. I’ll try to get around soon and see what y’all are up to.


Hope you all had your fill of Turkey yesterday! We had turkey with all the trimmings at our local kids’ home. Our daughter and husband and cat arrived yesterday afternoon in time to settle in and drive with us for our evening meal. Today our other kids will be driving over the mountains to join all of us.

I’ll be back next week!

Still Early Hodgepodge

Time again for Wednesday Hodgepodge! Thank you Joyce From This Side of the Pond for asking the questions!

1. January 25th is National Opposites Day. ‘They’ say opposites attract…do you agree, and if so is that a good thing? Or do you subscribe more to a ‘birds of a feather’ philosophy? 

Getting really basic, in marriage opposites are a good thing, male and female. Our marriage started with a foundation of being the same spiritually, believing in God and being born again believing in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. After 47 years of marriage we have grown more similar than different in our likes and dislikes. We have different personalities and a different skill set, which works well. Although we don’t isolate ourselves with only like minded people it is nice to have a haven of like minded people in the world of ‘differences’.

2. Something you’re glad to have behind you?

Formal schooling from Elementary through College.

Something you’re glad is ahead of you? 

Continued learning experiences of life on this earth.

3. Your favorite hot food? Cold food? Are you a fan of breakfast for dinner? 

I love food! I’ll go with soup for hot food. I’ll go with a cold cut sandwich with all the extras for cold food. I am a fan of breakfast for dinner!

4. Are you someone who always arrives to appointments/events early or do you tend to run late? Last thing you were late for? 

Early, early, early. Hmm, hard to remember something I was late for. We did make it to a surprise party after the big surprise because the person who was being honored came early!

5. “What good is the warmth of summer without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?” John Steinbeck….Your thoughts? 

Every season has so much to enjoy all on it’s own and sometimes the huge contrasts do make us appreciate each season’s special characteristics more. I’m so happy to live in a part of the country where there are distinct differences in the seasons. Some here say we have a fifth season…mud.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We are in a distinct Winter here with temperatures below freezing, snow still on the ground, and treacherous icy spots to avoid! We are a third of the way through Winter.

Enjoy the rest of Winter hodgepodgers!

Snow is Falling…

It’s a treat to see the Quail moving in the snow.

Snow is falling again this Saturday morning with a prediction of three inches. I think we are close to two inches already on top of what was still on the ground.

My hair appointment this morning will be interesting heading down the hairdresser’s steep driveway. Dear will drive me today and handle the driveway instead of me.

We don’t have to dream of a white Christmas this year…

 In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan,
earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;
snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow,
in the bleak midwinter, long ago.

 Our God, heaven cannot hold him, nor earth sustain;
heaven and earth shall flee away when he comes to reign.
In the bleak midwinter a stable place sufficed
the Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ.

 Angels and archangels may have gathered there,
cherubim and seraphim thronged the air;
but his mother only, in her maiden bliss,
worshiped the beloved with a kiss.

 What can I give him, poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb;
if I were a Wise Man, I would do my part;
yet what I can I give him: give my heart.


Weekend Wrap-up

The little ones are camouflaged and so cute!

They keep coming back for visits and we can see that they have grown.

Not the clearest photos of the little ones. I have to take the photos from the inside through glass without moving much or they all fly away.

On Saturday we mowed and weed wacked. We were in the 80’s over the weekend and this coming week we have a mix of 80’s and 70’s. On Sunday we drove to Spokane to pick up my glasses. No prescription except for a bifocal section for reading. I am a happy camper. No shifting back and forth to readers and that is my preference.

We are still in prayer about the disaster in Afghanistan, aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti, and for those in the path of Ida.

We are studying 2 Timothy and listening to expository preaching (John MacArthur) while mowing and driving back and forth to Spokane. This last letter by the Apostle Paul to his beloved Timothy is so rich. This resource, Grace to You, is one where you can access expository preaching on every book of the Bible. Dear and I highly recommend it.

2 Timothy 2:15

15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.

2 Timothy 3:14-17

14 You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

Hoping for a week with some good news for all of us.

Old School Hodgepodge

Thank you Jo From This Side of the Pond for asking the Hodgepodge questions for us.

It’s always so wonderful to see all the little quail show up with their parents. They are hard to capture with the camera through the windows. They react to any slight movement and they move a lot.

1. Is school back in session where you live? Is everyone in person or does your system still offer a virtual option? Are kids wearing masks? 

School starts August 31st here in Colville. As of yesterday, Washington State is back to requiring face masks indoors for all people 5 years and up so school aged kids are required to mask up.

2. Something you still do ‘old school’? 
I asked this out loud while Dear and I were sitting at our desks in our office. His answer was “Go to Church”. Then he said “Believe the Bible”. I’ll say keep a paper calendar. I still have calendars around the house and in my purse.
3. One lesson you’ve learned in the ‘school of life’? 
God is in charge and I am not. This is an ongoing lesson in my life.
4. When you were in school did you pack a lunch or buy a lunch? Your favorite thing to see on the lunch menu or inside your lunchbox back in the day? 
Our mother packed lunch for each one of us everyday and she also made breakfast for us before we headed off to school. In the 6th grade I was a student cafeteria worker and I got a free hot lunch everyday. I loved the fresh rolls those cafeteria ladies baked. I can almost smell the aroma of them coming from the ovens.
When our sons were in high school and I made cold cut sandwiches for them on sandwich rolls I found out they were able to sell those home made sandwiches to their friends for $5!
5. August is National Family Fun Month. Tell me something fun you’ve done this month.
Any day we spend with our grand kids is a fun day. August was less active around here because of smoke and fires but we’ll make up for it in September!
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Today, August 25th is our son Josh and our Laura’s 20th wedding anniversary! We could not have asked for a better helpmate for our son. They make the best team. Those who are fortunate to be part of their lives and generosity will all give a hearty amen to my assessment.
2013-09-16 Alton to Cotswolds20
Happy 20th Anniversary Josh and Laura! Wish we could be celebrating in Jolly Old England. We love you individually and together. May God give you many more years growing closer to each other and to HIM!
The photo above was taken in Wells, England while we were traveling with Josh and Laura in 2013. We would all love to return someday to visit.