Lake Washington Celebration

We arrived in Western Washington on Thursday the 16th of May. When we make it to that side of the mountains we like to stop at our old faithful, La Corona in Kirkland. It was was our weekly Tuesday hangout when we lived on that side. The owners still remember us and it is nice to be recognized by them. Our good friends met us for a meal and catch-up before we made a few more miles to Josh and Laura’s for the weekend.

On Friday the 17th of May our Westside kids took us out for dinner at El Encanto in Kirkland for a belated Mother’s Day celebration. It was a good time to be together. It was a cool evening with moody skies. This is a relatively new restaurant in Kirkland. I enjoyed an upscale Chile Relleno that was delicious. Kirkland is on the shores of Lake Washington in Washington State.

Before our dinner gathering Laura, Greg and I shopped at a few spots for mostly shoes. We had an appetizer lunch so we wouldn’t be too full for our main event on Friday night. We had those appetizers at another Westside hangout of ours and it was fun to be there again, Gratzie in Bothell.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

12 thoughts on “Lake Washington Celebration

  1. It is so interesting to see that y’all still have on jackets. Here in Alabama, we are already in full-blown summer. We did have a couple of mornings this past week where the low was in the upper 60’s which made for pleasant walking weather at 5:30 a.m. It looks and sounds like y’all had fun together!

  2. Sounds like a lot of good Mexican food and delightful fellowship with family and friends. I always enjoy seeing pictures of your family with those sweet smiles!

  3. I’m sure it was fun (and delicious!) visiting your old hangouts! Good that you were able to be on the Coast and celebrate with your dear ones!

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