Starting Fresh with Hodgepodge…

1. Share one favorite moment/memory from your Christmas holiday.
 15747502_10211510518384524_8505381520756214670_nOur Nutcracker Christmas Crackers had little whistle/flutes in them and instructions to toot some Christmas songs together. It was so much fun with us laughing so much we snorted and maybe drooled a bit while trying to toot our whistles upon demand. Each whistle was numbered to created the right tone/note. Oye…it was fun!
2. What was the best thing you ate over the holidays? Was it homemade or store bought? If it was homemade did you make it?
swedishSwedish pancakes on Christmas morning are the best. 1st because Dear cooks them. 2nd because we all love them. A tradition that will not be broken.

3. What was one of the most beautiful things you saw over the holidays?


People, people, people are the most beautiful things we saw over the holidays. A very beautiful thing was that our oldest flew to eastern Washington to help his brother and sister in law move into their new home in frigid temperatures. Our boys have a way of being able to motivate and help each other in good and tough times and it’s a beautiful thing to see and hear about.

4. What does fresh start mean to you?

Fresh Start was the name of my home cleaning business that I started in the late 80’s and early 90’s and that’s the first thing that came to mind with this question. Dear was in Pharmacy School for a mid-life change in his profession and I cleaned toilets to make money in several homes and at a medical and dental clinic. Of course I cleaned more than toilets but you get the idea. The work was so aerobic and I was so skinny.

5. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being very positive and 1 being not so great) how would you rate 2016 in terms of personal achievement and well being? Explain.

If I take my fluff out of the equation I’d give myself an 8!

van 2 035I’m still fluffy but besides that my health and outlook are good. I am not taking any medications. An IT Band Syndrome is still plaguing me even though I’m not a runner by any stretch of the imagination. Exercises to strengthen my core and take the strain off my IT band are helping. It generally takes a lot to get me down and I’m thankful for that. So…I’ll stick with an 8!

6. Every January 1st since 1976 Lake Superior University has published a list of words they’d like to see banished from the Queen’s English. Words may be banished due to misuse, overuse, or just general uselessness. Go here to read more about how the words were chosen or, if you’re like me, to find out what in the world the word or phrase even means or the context in which it’s used. There were quite a few on this year’s list I’d never heard before. Here’s the 2017 list of banished words-You, Sir-focus-Bete Noire-Town Hall Meeting-Post Truth-guesstimate-831-historic-manicured-echo chamber-on fleek-bigly-ghost-Dadbod-listicle-get your dander up-selfie drone-frankenfruit-disruption. Which word on the list would you most like to see banished in 2017? What word or phrase would you add to the list?

I’m tired of hearing about Town Hall Meetings. Another one I’d like to not hear again is “Gun Control”.

7. Large or small, light or deep, share with us one goal you have for the new year.
misc-stuff-028I got this fitbit for Christmas and I’d like to add the light goal of moving more.
My deep goal is to pray more.
 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18:
Rejoice always,  pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I’ve got a recipe for Crock Pot Potato soup inspired from bj’s blog and Paula Deen up on the Mennonite Girls Can Cook blog. It was easy and satisfying. Click on over to see it.
The illustration at the top of this post is Russian and the words translate Happy New Year. I wish you all a very Happy New Year!
Linking up with Joyce at From This Side of the Pond. She provides the questions and we provide the answers.
About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

10 thoughts on “Starting Fresh with Hodgepodge…

  1. I love you so much, ellen…you are so sweet, a truly good person and full of family love. I can just hear you laughing so hard, you snorted….I so do the same thing…and sometime pass a little gas when laughing so hard..haha…I pray for a wonderful new year for all of us…my 2016 was so full of blessings, I hope for a new year to equal the last one.xoxo…and my chosen word for 2017 is POSITIVE.

  2. hmmmm…I saw that recipe for potato soup…yum! I know that anything BJ makes is delish.

    People! Yes! So seldom we think of people being God’s highest and best creation. One could ponder that for some time.

    Fresh Start…you and I were in the cleaning business at the same time. Have I mentioned this multiple times? It is true that cleaning is a workout! I was not skinny, but I was not so plump either.

  3. What fun Christmas crackers those were! That must have been some hilarious music making.

    I will have to check out that potato soup recipe. I’m always ready to try new slow cooker recipes!

  4. Yay! Let’s all pray more!
    I was a cleaning lady, too. It WAS a lot of work. So many showers and fancy bathtubs. Argh!
    I love your happy family photo! HUGE blessing!
    Happy New Year, dear Ellen!

  5. I agree with BJ – you are the best. Your answers and pictures are so fun and interesting. Love that you have a fitbit and are fighting the fluff!!! I should be doing the very same … eek!

  6. I am glad that you like the “SWMBO” thing. Full disclosure, I stole it from a radio talk show host years ago. It makes my wife smile when I refer to her as SWMBO and I absolutely live for her smile. The Christmas pancakes sound yummy. God’s blessings in the New Year.

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