Pink Saturday ~ 4

Welcome to Pink Saturday!


Come up to my front door

I’ve got some music playing in stereo.

We’ll have a cup of tea and enjoy this Pink Saturday.

For more Pink Saturday visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.

Photobucket is holding all my photos from 2007-2015 hostage on their site and have replaced my photos with black and grey boxes of ugliness. I’m slowly deleting those boxes from my blog and trying to update so many posts, very frustrating.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

35 thoughts on “Pink Saturday ~ 4

  1. Hi,

    I came across your site in a search for Irish Blessings.

    Then I noticed the “pink Saturday”.

    Just thought I would share my pink Friday sunrise with you.
    The sky was a clear baby blue and there was a row of sweet puffy and soft pink colored clouds and each one was edged with a deep purple color.

    I have to thank God for all He has made.
    It is so beautiful!

    Jean K

  2. Lovely! Just lovely. I am making myself rather comfortable on your patio and take my tea with a spot of cream and a teaspoon of sugar. I’ll bring the tea cakes!
    I think the flowers at your front door are so pretty! What kind are they? I wonder if they’d grow here. I’m not one with a “green thumb”, but I’m trying to be.

  3. Happy Pink Saturday. What a lovely post, and all of your touches of pink. I love how you can peek out onto that lovely deck. I love that purse at the top of your post that greeted me when I began to ready about your pinks. Karen

  4. Oh what a beautiful pink post you have created! The table cloth is beautiful! …and the flowers are gorgeous!

    ~Rhonda 🙂

  5. THe picture of the flowers in front of your house are gorgeous. The green of your home is a perfect background for those pretty pink flowers.

    The teacups are just lovely and so pretty.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

    take care,

  6. Thanks for visiting, Ellen – well, I’ll keep stopping by and see what your California posts are like! Stop by my place whenever you have a chance!

  7. Thanks for visiting me today. Happy pink saturdays! Ya right I still loose my phone. Mostly if one of my sweeties decide to play with Mommy’s phone.

  8. Hi Ellen,
    Thanks for inviting us for tea! All your pinks are lovely as usual, but my favorite ones are the ones outside your door. No one does pink better then the Lord!
    I was out antiqueing early this morning and I bought an apron that would go perfectly with your tablecloth…hm!
    I hope you have a wonderfully blessed pink saturday!
    🙂 Cori

  9. Your front entrance is so pretty with the roses. And the patio framed by your door is just lovely. I would imagine that it is cool enough there to keep the door open. Lucky you.


  10. Ellen, hi and it’s nice to meet you! Oh, what wonderful pinkness you have today! Your roses are just outstanding and I can almost smell them. But my favorite is the little pink choir girl! How preciously pink!
    Be a pink sweetie,
    Shelia 🙂

  11. Hello Ellen, This was such a sweet post for “PINK SATURDAY”!…I actually felt I was right there having tea with you on your lovely patio!!!…Enjoy your Sunday!….Heidi XO

  12. Hi Ellen, I am a little late visiting Pink Saturday, but hey, better late than never!
    I love your pink post, I noticed your vintage table cloth pattern, very nice and your patio looks so inviting, love all your flowers and that precious little statue, just adorable!
    Love, Ann

  13. All of your *pink* things are so lovely! But I simply adore the little *pink* choir girl! Can you tell me more about her? I’d love to find one for myself! Your home is beautiful and so inviting!

  14. I love your Pink! I’m a couple days away from Saturday now, sorry I was late for tea! I especially love the Josef (?) choir girl! I love Josef figurines too! Thanks for visiting me and saying hello, too!

  15. I’m trying REALLY hard to visit the PS Posts–before NEXT Sat. rolls around! 🙂 I was out of town–but this has been so much fun to catch up! OH, I would love to have a cup of tea with you–that was oh so beautiful and inviting!

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