Family Highlights

Keeping up with some family highlights from before Valentine’s day until now.

Our ‘Coast kids’ celebrated a late birthday brunch for Josh way back on Sunday January 28th.

Katie made these yummy looking marshmallow fluff cream cheese filled chocolate dipped strawberries for Valentine’s Day. Don’t you think these would be a great treat for a tea, also?

These two got a much needed few hours together without their kids last Friday.

These two enjoyed a long President’s weekend in Mexico with two other couples who they’ve been friends with for 25 years.

And drumroll please! Addy completed her Awana book 8 weeks early and is now working through an extra credit book!!

She is able to recite all the books of the Bible!

I couldn’t leave JJ out so here he is with his sister enjoying the great outdoors on their property. He loves to be outside. He has recently mastered riding his bicycle without training wheels. We are all anxious for him to master using the brakes successfully on that bicycle, too!

The weather cooperated and warmed up enough for us to do a little work outside on Thursday afternoon. I was able to clear one large planter of dead growth. Woohoo! Only 10 more planters to go. The nice part of this process was that I spotted new growth under all the dead stuff. Today looks like a good day to tackle another planter. I usually do this in the Fall but those days got away from me.

Here we go into the last weekend of February. Hope it is a nice one for everyone!

Valentine Treats With Love

Our favorite Valentine’s stopped by to give us some love and we returned some love to them.

We got a special homemade Sour Dough loaf from Jamie and Dan. She has the bread skills down!

This Friday will be busier than usual. Hope all is well in your corner of the world.