Swords Into Plowshares

On our walks in Magnuson Park with our daughter we have visited this sculpture area called The Fin Project.

The Fin Project: From Swords Into Plowshares 1998 by John T. Young, Artist, Max Gurvich, Producer

“They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore…” Old Testament, Micah, Chapter 4:3.

This artwork is made using diving plane fins from decommissioned U.S. Navy nuclear submarines built in the 1960s. It is about peace, turning weapons into Art, recycling, and honoring the men and women who served our country during the Cold War. It also may remind the viewer of dorsal fins of a pod of Orca whales or a school of salmon.

I’m adding some more photos from our recent walk at Magnuson Park.

Magnuson Park is a 350 acres park on Sand Point at Pontiac Bay, Lake Washington, in the Sand Point neighborhood of Seattle, Washington. The park is the second largest in Seattle, after 534 acres Discovery Park in Magnolia.

Established in 1900 (military use 1922-1975).

And now for some favorites that we received via text earlier this week and this morning.

Sweet little Addy is discovering her hands and fists! Soon we’ll be seeing little Addy and her parents in person again. Here’s Addy on her first Mother’s Day.

Seriously? I love this face! This little one had a nice Mother’s Day with her mom, daddy and Granny Linda and Granny Florence, and great uncle Scott and great aunt Rhonda. I had a very nice Mother’s Day with our firstborn Josh and Laura, who treated us to brunch. Phone calls came in from Addy’s Daddy and from our daughter Katie and my dear old Pop, too. I’m blessed.

I’ll be linking up to Mosaic Monday with Maggie at Normandy Life.

About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

12 thoughts on “Swords Into Plowshares

  1. Hello Ellen. Thank you for sharing more of your walk in Magnuson Park and glad you had a good Mother’s Day. It must have been even more special this year for your family. Lovely photos of Addy.

  2. Wonderful pointing to a future when World Peace will come in the millennial reign.

    Addy is so darling. The discovery stages are so much fun!

  3. The Fin Project is very interesting and it does look like the fins of a Orca.
    Addy is cute as a button. : )

  4. I have always loved the concept and that verse about of beating swords into ploughshares. In the Peace Centre at the college where I worked – this is one of their themes!
    Oh – Addy is just darling Ellen! I think she really looks like her daddy in that last picture!

  5. Fascinating concept . . . creating art from weapons. Of course, we can be sure that that verse will one day be fulfilled in a very real sense!

    Little Addy is growing! I agree with Rosella. I certainly see her daddy in that last photo!

  6. The Fin Project looks like a fascinating art installation to take a walk through adding another reason to visit the beautiful park. Baby Addy is adorable in her Mother’s Day attire, glad you had a lovely day.

  7. Love the Fin Project … a beautiful repurposing. But of course you saved the best for last. Your Addy is already a charmer….glad you get to go see her again soon,

  8. Nice images. I remember when that project was finished and we walked the area. My Mother lived near there at one time and always loved the area.
    Mmmmm Addy loves her hands. So darling

  9. Pingback: Our World Tuesday – The Happy Wonderer ~ ellen b.

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