Daddy and Daughter…

Here’s the side by side, Beth! I need to get a newborn photo of Jamie to scan to do a side by side comparison, too.

1 week old sent to us by the kids.

Posting the rest of my random photos until we travel east again to get some fresh photos!

And speaking of random here’s a photo of my dear old Pop with his great granddaughter Ellie taken several weeks ago.

Ellie is about 14 months or so here and Pop is almost 94! We so enjoy the instagram and facebook photos and videos of our dear little grandniece Ellie. Right now our Addy is Pop’s youngest Great Grandchild that we know of.

Continuing on the random theme…Yippee for some random sunshine here in the Pacific Northwest. We had a good church service on Sunday talking about being doers of the Word and capped off with Communion. Came home and had a nice breakfast of eggs and waffles with a couple hot dogs cut up and served alongside the scrambled eggs. Do you ever use a hot dog for your breakfast meat? Nathan’s skinless are my favorite. I donned my grubby work clothes and wellies to pull some weeds while the earth was still moist and weeds were easier to pull. I will also mow the lawn for the first time this year if the sunshine continues on Monday! Here’s a sneak peek at some paths Katie and I walked on last week. I’ll share more as the week progresses.

Linking up to Mosaic Monday with Maggie at Normandy Life.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

17 thoughts on “Daddy and Daughter…

  1. My heart melted at the sight of all these beautiful babies, more photos please!
    God Bless your lovely Dad, he looks so chuffed to be posing with little Ellie.
    Thanks for joining Mosaic Monday again this week, your company is always a joy.

  2. I can see Addie will be the most photographed baby ever, Ellen! The first grandchild always deserves this honor ๐Ÿ˜‰ She is a beautiful baby!

    Yes, going out to do the Lord’s word is always well needed by the world. So much we can all do for our fellow man and woman.

    Your Dad looks wonderful and all of his great grands are the blessings of a long life.

  3. That you know of? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Fun side by side comparisons. Fun to look for those similarities.

    Early spring when things first begin to green up is cheerful time of year. Good days o’erhead with not so great ones on the ground. I do dislike mud.

  4. Wow – they sure do look alike! Ellie is so sweet and your Pop is simply amazing. Love your random mosaics and thoughts. Enjoy your Spring day.

  5. Oh my goodness . . . they look so much alike!! I think Addy looks especially beautiful in the blue (aqua?) onesie.

    The photo of your pop and his great-granddaughter is darling. He looks happy to be posing with her. She seems a little unsure. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    It was fun to read your “random” post.

  6. Addy certainly does favor her dad in this side by side. Our youngest granddaughter (who is now 11) was a carbon copy of her dad. I was looking back through some older photos yesterday and was amazed at how much she did look like him.

    I loved seeing the picture of your Pop. He certainly does not look like he is 94! My goodness!
    That is wonderful!

    Yard work is in my near future…I hope. My flowerbeds all need to be taken care of because I didn’t get much done in them last fall as far as preparing for winter because of taking care of my husband after his fall. So there is work that awaits me out there. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love it though. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I will look forward to seeing more pictures of the walk you and Katie took!

    Have a wonderful remainder of your week.

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