The X in Xmas…


PM1909 (postmarked 1909)

X has a long and sacred history

The idea of X as an abbreviation for the name of Christ came into use in our culture with no intent to show any disrespect for Jesus. The church has used the symbol of the fish historically because it is an acronym. Fish in Greek (ichthus) involved the use of the first letters for the Greek phrase “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.” So the early Christians would take the first letter of those words and put those letters together to spell the Greek word for fish. That’s how the symbol of the fish became the universal symbol of Christendom. There’s a long and sacred history of the use of X to symbolize the name of Christ, and from its origin, it has meant no disrespect. (from Ligonier, R.C. Sproul)

img519These are both antique postcards from Dear’s great great aunt Emma. I’m posting them to share with ABC Wednesday for the letter X.

X is for Christ. Thank you to Mrs. Nesbitt and her helpful elves, Roger and company for keeping our ABC meme moving along.

The Xmas news from this old house is that what is done is done except for preparations for our meals on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and some baking. I will wait to shop for the meat and side dishes early on Friday. On Wednesday I will do a little baking to make cookies to take to some neighbors with an invite to our church’s Christmas Eve services. I am also spending time adoring Christ and all He has done for us.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

20 thoughts on “The X in Xmas…

  1. Thank you for this post; so many folks get upset because they don’t have factual information at hand. Merry Christmas!

  2. Lovely music! Is this someone from your church? Wishing you a blessed and merry Christmas with all your loved ones.

    abcw team

    • Leslie, Chris Tomlin is a popular songwriter, worship leader who comes out of Texas and who’s songs are sung in many churches in the U.S. and Canada and other countries, too. In fact he just had a concert in Vancouver B.C. Merry Christmas!

  3. I’ve used this symbol in Christmas correspondence too , but sometimes forget many do think it disrespectful, thank-you for sharing the symbolism.

    We’ve also decided “what’s done is done” , and preparations for Christmas meals are chief now.
    Blessings and Merry X Mas !

  4. Interesting slant on the X Xmas, I’m afraid we were not encouraged to use the word in our Chistmas greetings although it doesn’t mean much to me, all I wish for is everyone to enjoy the festive celebrations but not to lose sight of what and why we are celebrating,
    Have a wonderful Christmas with your friends and family Ellen,
    Love and best wishes,
    ABCW team.

  5. That is interesting, Ellen. Thank you for coming by my blog and leaving a kind message. Your support and prayers are much appreciated. Blessings to you and your family this Christmas. Have a wonderful time 🙂

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