St. James Church, Chipping Campden

The church of St James, is a landmark for miles around, can be found at the north end of Chipping Campden. It is a magnificent example of an early perpendicular wool church, rebuilt in the 15th century.

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We walked away from the village center to walk about The Church of St. James. We really enjoyed the views of the church and from the church.

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And from the inside of the church…

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Alton to Cotswolds 186” The finely carved canopied tomb of Sir Thomas Smythe is on the North wall in the sanctuary and is the most remarkable in the church. He was Lord of the Manor of Campden until his death in 1593.  He lived at the court of Henry VIII and was the first Governor of the East India Company.

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Some interesting history of the church can be read by clicking here. It was interesting to me to read about the “peal of eight bells”. We passed this Inn on our way back to the town center from St. James.

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Hope you all are having a nice weekend and for our friends in Canada I hope you are enjoying your traditional Thanksgiving meals with some loved ones. For the most part we’ve had a very unproductive weekend here at this old house. We did manage to take apart and clean out our dishwasher which revealed some interesting stuff…icky. Maybe the beginning of our week will be more productive. We have some fun plans for the end of this week. How about you?

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

12 thoughts on “St. James Church, Chipping Campden

  1. Wow! Wow! and more Wow! You’ve captured some stunning photos of this amazing building and the grave yards. I always love how you document the history as well. So interesting!!

    We had a productive Saturday, ate too much today (our Thanksgiving), and hope to get some more gardening clean-up done tomorrow. My aching back!

  2. So very beautiful! I really enjoyed seeing this set of pictures. It was also interesting to learn that this was not the “original” building. It is built on the site of another church much older. History is very old in Great Britain. LOL!

  3. Wow! Your photos are amazing…..can’t imagine seeing that all in person. Those windows and details on the walls….and then walking through and reading the headstones. Another great day along your travels.

  4. Hi there! I wandered in from your link at tomatosoupcake, and I am very much enjoying your beautiful blog and fantastic photos! It is almost like being there myself! Thanks for taking the time to create this beautiful spot! Love and light, Hil

  5. Dear me, Ellen. I’m way way way behind catching up with your many wonderful posts of your time in England. This one is especially fun given the connection with Downton. So many lovely nooks, it’s not surprising it was chosen.

  6. Pingback: St. James’ Church Chipping Campden | The Happy Wonderer ~ ellen b.

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