Palisade and Platz…


On Friday afternoon Dear and I drove into downtown to pick up two of my brother-in-law’s sisters who arrived in Seattle to go on an Alaskan cruise. One of the sisters is from Michigan and the other is from Canada. We were able to get early reservations at Palisade Restaurant. The waterfront restaurant is beautiful with some wonderful views. Friday was a very nice day in the Pacific Northwest and it was a great evening to be out in Seattle.


We had a nice time catching up with some news about each other. The last time we were together was in California two years ago at their mother’s funeral. In the 70’s we made a few visits to Michigan and stayed with Ruth and her late husband Peter at their lakefront home.


I was inspired by Charlotte’s post for Easy Platz last Friday. My mother got very creative and made cantaloupe jam and gifted us with some at Christmas. When I saw Charlotte’s recipe I decided to try making it with my mom’s cantaloupe jam. It turned out real good. If you need a last minute treat this recipe is easy and delicious.


Even though we were under the weather this weekend Dear and I got a lot done around this old house. I’m happy to say my living room is the cleanest it’s been in at least 6 years. The windows and screens are clean, the window coverings are dusted and washed, the furniture was moved and all the carpeting and sills etc. were vacuumed and everything is dusted. Now it’s a double joy to sit in there in the morning and have my devotions looking out the clean windows. Tomorrow I’m using a gift card that I got for my birthday back in March for a massage. I’m looking forward to an hour of pampering. Thank you to Josh and Laura for the gift.

Hope your new week goes well…

To see more mosaics or to join in visit Mary at Little Red House.


Photobucket replaced all my photos with blurred out versions and they are holding my photos hostage until I pay them lots of money. Iā€™m slowly going through all my posts and trying to clean them up and replacing some photos. Such a bother.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

17 thoughts on “Palisade and Platz…

  1. Looks like a lovely evening and dinner with the ladies. The platz looks yummy and cantaloupe jam … who knew???!!!!!! Have a great week.

  2. That platz looks yummy!
    I’m glad you’re going to pamper yourself tomorrow. All that cleaning when you were feeling under the weather is some way to relax!! šŸ™‚

  3. Isn’t it nice to see old friends? Cantaloupe jam…I’ve never heard of it. Sounds interesting. It must be very mild flavored. Have a good week!

  4. How nice to get time to catch up on family news. The dessert looks yummy, we need the recipe. Enjoy your week.

  5. Fantastic Ellen … Isn’t it a great feeling to have the house spic and span. .even if it doesn’t stay that way very long. .at least around here.
    Enjoy that massage ..sounds so good.

  6. Yummy cake! Have never made cantaloupe jam – sounds delicate and not too sweet! Hope you’re feeling better and no doubt, I too, prefer washed windows and the house spic and span and then I can truly enjoy our home! Have a great week!

  7. A clean house…a nice piece of that platz…and then a massage. Other than feeling a little under the weather…it’s all looking pretty good over there.

  8. It sounds like you’ve had a great time with family even though you’re not feeling so well. If I get sick, will my living room clean itself too? It might be worth it šŸ™‚

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