Christmas Tour of Homes ~ 2007

 Boo Mama is hosting a Bloggy tour of Christmas homes. Come join the fun.

Christmas Tour of Homes

Please do come in and enjoy my home at this beautiful Christmas time. Jesus has prepared the way for us to love and enjoy this season. There would not be a Christmas worth celebrating without Him!


The wreath welcomes you at the front door. Please do come in and make yourself at home.

I’ve been busy preparing for your visit.

From a Christmas past on to Christmas present…

The stockings are hung by the chimney with care…

and lighted garland is placed here and there…


Some Christmas decorations handed down from years gone by…

Now here’s a Caramel Pecan treat before we go any further. If you enjoy them you can find the recipe here.


Now to some tables set for my friends. First red and green on cream.


or how about gold with green?


Here’s the fun Christmas breakfast table set for the family with placecards and placemats from long, long ago.



I hope you enjoyed the tour of my home. It would be so much fun to see you in person and share a cup of coffee, cocoa, eggnog or tea to go with the Caramel pecan cookies. We could sit by the fire and enjoy the lights on the tree. Blessings on your day touring other homes. Click here to continue your tour from Boo Mama’s.

Photobucket has blacked out all my photos I was storing on their site and they are holding them hostage. I am working on updating my more than 4000 posts.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

80 thoughts on “Christmas Tour of Homes ~ 2007

  1. Oh my, your home is sensational! I love how you created this post with just the right accents on your special treasures. Your tree is wonderful but I would love to be in that dining room on Christmas morning. Have a blessed Christmas, Karen

  2. Thanks for writing in a rhyme
    Please come back and visit again sometime!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours from Northern Ireland

  3. Ellen I loved the way you wrote this. I also loved all the personal touches, your home reflects you. I would love to plunk down on your sofa or have a sit at your lovely table.

  4. Gorgeous tour. I especially loved the versatile table, the lighted garland and the door wreath. Thanks for inviting me to your home, and for stopping by mine! Merry Christmas.

  5. Ellen — your home is beautiful! Thank you for commenting on my blog. I appreciate it.

    I think my favorites were all the photo collages. Close ups and grouped together. NEAT idea. 😉

    Thanks again for sharing!

  6. Ellen, may I just say that your home is absolutely beautiful! You’ve done a wonderful job decorating…your living room is breathtaking…and your dining room table all set is simply stunning!
    I love the lighted garland everywhere, too…
    OK…you’ve given me so many ideas for next year!
    Thank you for a wonderful tour!

  7. oh, wow! how lucky i am that you stopped by my blog, so that i can see your house. it’s gorgeous, and i love the old pictures you interspersed. i also love your table settings….both of them.

  8. Ellen, thank you so much for stopping by for a visit at my place earlier! I am so glad you like the vintage aprons. They would look good in your house too! You have a beautiful blog! It is peaceful and the illustrations that you often post are so charming. Is the illuminated manuscript on your home tour a photo of something in your house or an illustration? It is beautiful! Your place settings are wonderful complete with chair covers and I especially, especially like the place cards and holders! Where did you get those place cards? Thank you for sharing and thank you for the example of a 33 year marriage! Blessings and Merry Christmas! Kelly

  9. Ellen, thanks so much for stopping back by! I am glad you enjoy my things. It is a lot of fun shopping and “treasure hunting”! My mom and I like to go together. Thanks for telling me about the placecard holders! Kelly

  10. Thank you so much for coming by today! Your home looks lovely, and I so enjoyed the tour. Your dining room is the same color (walls) as my bedroom! It is rare to find that color and I am not sure it was the best choice I ever made, but we love it. Ornery says, “it’s just paint, and paint is a cheap fix.” gotta love a guy like that!

    Merry Christmas, and thanks for sharing your home!

  11. Thank you so much for the tour. May I stay a while and take it all in? I love all your ceramics from the past and you have some gorgeous table settings.

  12. OH WOW WOW…your table settings are so adorable and/or gorgeous! I am glad you stopped by my home decorations so that I could visit yours!

  13. Everything is just beautiful! I LOVE the place card holders and especially the kissing Santa & Mrs Claus! And your table settings are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

    Have a very happy & healthy holiday season!

  14. Pingback: WW ~ Christmas Morning 1958 « The Happy Wonderer

  15. Thanks for the wonderful tour of your home. I am loving all those books behind your tree! Your table settings are beautiful. Thanks for stopping by my place.

  16. Your dining room is beautiful. I’ve always wanted to cover my chairs like that! Maybe next year! Thank you for letting us tour your home. Merry Christmas!

  17. Oh Ellen! I love it!! It’s so welcoming! I would so love to be there in real life but this is almost as good. And at least I can enjoy the caramel and pecan treats without any guilt – for once!!!
    I like the idea of setting the table prettily for breakfast as well… Think I might do something like that too this year :o)
    Love, blessings and peace to you and yours this Christmas

  18. WOW!!! I loved your house, treats and table decorations!!! Your house was one of my favs! It was so nice of you to stop by. Hi to your parents…have you ever been to Russia? Did you learn Russian?

  19. Your home is so lovely. And again with the lovely table settings! (You must have quite a selection of lovely china.) After your post I looked at my dining table and sighed…

    I could take a picture of it: with Miss Mother’s math books, Wee One’s ladybug craft, Young Man’s Advanced Physics text, basketball photos, french journal, mail and calculator, Dear’s mail and my altered art projects which are actually spread from the dining room to the family room, but then I figured noone else wanted to see my mess either…. sigh

    blessings and a merry Christmas to you all! :~)

  20. First–thank you for stopping by to check on me a couple of days ago. My husband was having some additional physical problems for a few days. We seem to have everything back under control–as much as possible. Now that things are calm and quiet on the medical front, I’m trying to catch up with everyone in blogland!

    Your homw is so lovely and inviting. I knew you would have a beautiful Tour presentation. You did not disappoint. I know your family and friends enjoy visiting with you.

  21. Thank you for inviting us in to view all your Christmas decorations. Everything looks so beautiful, warm and festive. I loved your table settings and the lighted greenery here and there! Sooooo pretty!

  22. Pingback: BooMama » In Which There Is Much Decking Of Many Halls

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