Show and Tell Friday ~ Pewter

When Dear and I were engaged we were really attracted to pewter items. We collected some pieces while we were in England in 1973 and l974 and then registered for pewter items for wedding gifts.


This Pewter Hurricane Lamp was a wedding gift along with this Platter and Bowl. So we’ve been using these gifts for over 32 years.


To see more Show and Tell head over to Kelli’s at There’s No Place Like Home.

Photobucket is holding hundreds of my photos hostage and that’s why you don’t see the original photos on this post.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

28 thoughts on “Show and Tell Friday ~ Pewter

  1. I love all your pieces. Also, so neat to hear that you have been married for so long. Neat to see couples staying together!!

    Thanks for sharing,

  2. I love the pewter hurricane lamp!! Now….hmmmmm…..let’s see, which corner in our dining room would that look best? What? WHAT? You’re not selling? Are you sure!!!? Well, okay. If you won’t part with it, I’ll just have to keep looking for one around here. Wish me luck!!!! [That is ONE awesome collection]

    My show n tell is posted. Won’t you drop by for a visit if you can find time in your day? I’d love to have you over.

  3. ellen b,

    You are a girl after my own heart…..I collect pewter also……

    Thank you for the visit to my home….I plan to post about my kitchen table….the wood is over one hundred years old….Betty

  4. Hi Ellen 🙂 These are marvelous! My particular favorite is the coffee server. I can just picture it on a lovely table outside in the evening. Pewter just has the lovliest glow about it in the candlelight. Thanks for sharing! Blessings! Q

  5. Cool–they used to make pewter things in my home town of Somers, CT. I used to have something made of pewter–but so many moves and years later it is gone!! Thanks for showing your stuff!!

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