V is for Vegetable Whimsy

The annual Spring Tea at our church had so many lovely decorated tables and one of the tables had some unique decorations using fruits and vegetables.

Tea 2014 019

Tea 2014 018

Tea 2014 025

Tea 2014 024

Tea 2014 023

Tea 2014 026

Hope this post made you smile!

Thank you to Denise Nesbitt and the ABC Wednesday Team for keeping this meme going.

Good Fences

Sometimes you just need a good meme to set your mind at ease.

This week I’m joining

The Run Around Ranch Report for Good Fences #5.

Some of these photos will look familiar to some of you but these views only come once a year and they are worth repeating. These were taken on April 7th at the Roozengaarde Display Garden in Mount Vernon, Washington state.  (not to be confused with the Mt. Vernon estate of President Washington!)

2014-04-07 Tulips12

2014-04-07 Tulips10Tulips 098

Tulips 096

If you’d like to see more tulips and tulip fields scroll down for my other posts about our trip to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival in April.