Spring is Moving Fast…

…and our Grands are growing fast! They are wondering how they are going to retrieve their ball that managed to leave their 20 acres and land in a neighboring property.

More fun events happening for them this Spring.

They have enjoyed some sunshine and pool time which is always a treat.

Lots of sunblock and time in sunhats.

JJ looks a bit miffed here. Maybe he didn’t like getting out of the water for the photo.

Time out of the heat at a very cool library.

I’m enjoying the seasons with these two and I’m glad I have photos and memories of the different stages of their growth.

And just like that we are at the last day of May. If I’m counting right we have 21 days until summer begins.

Cooling Off Blessings!

The timing of our son’s wedding and leftover company happened to be during a heat wave that we aren’t used to here in the Pacific Northwest! Our dear friends graciously invited us and our company over to cool off in their pool and enjoy a meal!

Such a beautiful setting on the Puget Sound.

We have finally cooled down to some bearable temperatures for me. I cringe when I see the heat and humidity in other parts of the country. Hope you are finding good ways to keep cool in your neck of the woods.