Montana Signs…

On our road trip to Yellowstone we got low on gas in an area where there were several exits with “no services”, oops! We finally found an exit with a small 4 pump station across the street from the one convenience store in the very small town of Alberton.


As we headed back to the freeway we passed the town’s tavern. I didn’t notice the coffins until I uploaded the photo. I’ve never seen that before.

P1060414Our stop for the night was Missoula, Montana and we saw this sign in the historic downtown area.


13501991_10209913594064765_3327110481924091448_nWhile walking in downtown Missoula we saw a bicycle riding Missoula ambassador who had maps and information about the downtown area. Isn’t that a nice idea? We flagged him down and asked about where we might enjoy a refreshing brew and where we could later enjoy a steak. He mentioned one restaurant called The Depot and then when we found the spot he recommended for a brew the proprietor there recommended the same restaurant for steak to us.

Road Trip Montana

The local brew at The Dram Shop was refreshing and our Steak and Panko Veggies at The Depot were very good.

I’m linking up to signs, signs with Lesley.

Today is Wednesday. I have to remind myself of what day of the week it is after a Monday holiday. How about you? The forecast is saying this is the nicest day weather wise this week so you’ll find us out in the yard doing some work.