Hello Summer Hodgepodge

1. Summer is upon us this week in the Northern hemisphere. Tell us three things on your summer bucket list.

No real bucket list type items but things that we need to have happen this summer…

1. Sell our house. 2. Buy a new house. 3. Complete our move to the new house. In the midst of all of that, spend time with our growing granddaughter, family and friends.

2. Something fun you used to do as a kid in the summertime?

In the 50’s we would go camping in the mountains close to Los Angeles. Big Bear was one of our favorites. As a child this was a fun experience. I’m the one with the buster brown haircut. The other thing we would do was spend time at the beach with our cousins and usually we’d choose Newport Beach in Southern California. Besides dodging waves and digging for sand crabs, the kids would walk around and collect empty soda bottles to take into the little convenience store to redeem the deposits. With the money we’d get by doing this we’d buy a popsicle or candy bar. So thrilling for us young ones! What wasn’t fun about the beach was coming home with horrible sunburns and having to have cold rags dipped in vinegar put on our backs to ease the pain and heat. Ouch. My dear mom was the one who would minister to us.

3. Rooftop or backyard? Why?

I’ve never really lived in an environment where I have to rely on a rooftop to be outside. A yard is still important to me. More importantly a covered deck is my preference with a view of greenery all around and some privacy. If you have a rooftop space you could invite me over to experience something different!

4. Do you read food labels? Place importance on them? Make an effort to find out/care about where your food comes from?

My label reading life has evolved over the years. Growing up we were part of a religion/cult where pork products were taboo so we made sure the salami and hot dogs we bought were an “all beef” product. My family left this group in my later teens and I am free to enjoy bacon and other pork products. MSG was the next item in an ingredients list that we avoided and still do. We avoid anything with aspartame and saccharin or any fake sugar. No diet soft drinks at my house. I can only hope the food I buy at the local grocer is okay…another good reason to pray over the meal you are about to consume.

5. A song you’ll have on repeat this summer?Philip Philip

Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring the songs I mostly have on repeat are Christian worship songs and hymns but here’s one that is somewhat appropriate for our move…

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Our son is threatening to get our little grand girlie a huge hamster ball so they don’t have to deal with this scenario. Yikes, she climbed up on that bar stool and hoisted herself up on the counter. She’s a strong daredevil.

Here she is with her Uncle. This looks a lot safer!

Linking up with Jo From This Side of the Pond for Wednesday Hodgepodge. She asks the questions and we answer…

About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

19 thoughts on “Hello Summer Hodgepodge

  1. I love viewing pictures from your childhood, Ellen. They bring back memories of my own childhood. The picnic picture reminds of the wonderful picnics we would have when I was a child. My grandmother would fix all of the “picnic food” and we would all pack in the car and head over the mountain…all except my mother. She never enjoyed eating outside like that.

    Our daughter and son-in-law had a roof-top garden and resting place when they lived in Mexico City. It was definitely HOT when the sun was out. 🙂

    And that Addy! What a climber she is. I love that pose though…she’s quite a girl.

  2. Great photos from your childhood, Ellen. Addie is a little daredevil, isn’t she?
    On hot summer evenings my mother would pack a picnic and we would go down to Riverside Park in Kamloops, to eat in the shade of the big trees there, and take a dip in the VERY cold river. Your post reminded me of this.

    I hope your house soon sells. Has there been much interest?

    • Unfortunately not much interest. It’s discouraging. I’m glad this post brought back good memories for you!

  3. Wonderful childhood photos, Ellen. You are so cute! I’ve always had a backyard, so I’m sure i would miss one if we ever had to live in a building without one. My daughter was a climber, too, when she was your granddaughter’s age. I always had to keep my eye on her to keep her out of danger.

  4. That’s a big to do list. Praying it all works out quickly for you. I love Phillip Phillips song. Oh my, she is pretty daring….

  5. Great yesteryear pic’s. Smiling at your little climber! Hope your summer bucket list can get ‘ticked off’ soon.

    • Hello Sandi, Yes I have written about some of our experience and written about my parents individual escape out of Russia into Persia when they were young. Also about how they met in Iran, got married and then came to the U.S.A. after WWII. My father has his story written and in book form for each of his kids and grandkids. I see you found my initial post about Molokans (Milk Drinkers). Maxim, the Prophet, they follow has a book called “Book of Life”. Not all Molokans follow him but the group we were associated with did. Besides the Bible on “the table” they have Maxims book also. Some smaller Molokan churches have taken the Bible off their table and only have the “Book of Life”. Many Molokans would say they are Christians.

  6. What a wonderful summer hodgepodge, Ellen! love the early camping photo of you and your dad and the lovely memory. Your granddaughter is quite a daredevil and an angel too. thanks for sharing! How is the moving phase going? Any luck?

  7. Hello from the Granite State. I too refrain from consuming sugar substitutes. I much prefer natural sugar. I love the photo of your granddaughter hanging onto the counter. She truly is a daredevil, and a cute one at that. Good luck with the change in housing. I hope and pray that all of it goes smoothly for you. Thank you for visiting my blog page and for leaving a comment. Enjoy your Summer.

  8. First of all, what an attractive haircut! LOL! I love that Philip Phillips song … hope your ‘home’ journey concludes soon. In the meantime, I agree with the hamster ball idea for Addy – yikes, any parent would freak at that counter photo!!!

  9. I love these fun revealing posts! I also don’t care for diet drinks or fake sugar. Real stuff in moderation or plain soda water with lime.

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