Frozen Randomness

It started snowing a little on Wednesday night and into the very early morning. No new snow the rest of the day. We don’t get snow very often in the Seattle Area but when it falls it has an interesting effect on me. I go right into hibernation mode. I did manage to do some indoor things like a load of wash and made a couple of meals for the two of us. I’m going to have to change my ways when we move to Northeastern Washington and experience more snow.

Someone recommended this book but I can’t remember who. Was it you? I started it and I was engaged from the beginning.

Look who is 11 months already! Yikes I was warned grand babies grow fast and now I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Today her mommy shared that she stood up from a sitting position with no help. Nothing to lift her up but her own strength and balance.

Just like we hoped we are beginning to see some dimples to match her mommy and daddy’s.

I’ve enjoyed reading so many great remembrances, tributes and personal stories from people all over the world whose lives were impacted by God through the evangelist Billy Graham.

The photo above is from the Los Angeles Billy Graham Crusade in 1963. My father took us to the crusade every night. My father started his life of following Christ at this crusade. My life as a follower of Christ started in 1963, too. The song, Just As I Am always reminds me of the Billy Graham Crusades and our time at the crusades and what this time meant for the future of myself and my family.

Just as I am – without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
– O Lamb of God, I come!

My mother was home with my newborn siblings, twins, a boy and a girl born on July 29th. I like the illustration above since it has the dates of the crusade. Now I’m wondering how my poor mother managed at home alone with twins!

Here’s a quote from Billy Graham…

“By the time you read this, I will be in heaven, and as I write this I’m looking forward with great anticipation to the day when I will be in God’s presence forever.

I’m convinced that heaven is far more glorious than anything we can possibly imagine right now, and I look forward not only to its wonder and peace, but also to the joy of being reunited with those who have gone there before me, especially my dear wife, Ruth. The Bible says, “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face” (1 Corinthians 13:12).

But I won’t be in heaven because I’ve preached to large crowds or because I’ve tried to live a good life. I’ll be in heaven for one reason: Many years ago I put my faith and trust in Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to make our forgiveness possible and rose again from the dead to give us eternal life. Do you know you will go to heaven when you die? You can, by committing your life to Jesus Christ today.”

Billy Graham 1918-2018

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

18 thoughts on “Frozen Randomness

  1. That song, Just as I am, has been on my mind numerous times this week. It goes hand in hand with Billy Graham preaching. I love his simple testimony, of being saved by grace and not leaving it without an invitation.

  2. Great words by Billy Graham. Someday I’ll meet him in heaven. : )

    I am the complete opposite of you. When it snows I want to go outside in it. : )

    Hard to believe that Addy is 11 months already.

    • Hi Mary, my header photo is from our son’s driveway in Colville, (Northeast) Washington. Our home right now is in Western Washington. Thanks for your visit.

  3. Ellen, that book that someone recommended to you looks really good! I think I’ll see about checking it out. That Addy is moving right along…she will be roaming the house before much longer! Thank you for sharing your story concerning Bill Graham and his crusades. I think this is one of the most enjoyable that I’ve read so far this week. Have a great week!

  4. Oh, I just love everything about this post… Grandbabies are the greatest of blessings… we have four! And, I, too, saw Reverend Billy Graham at one of his crusades in 1970. An awesome memory! 💜 Thanks so much for sharing and linking up today! Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. I remember the 1968 crusade in Portland–yes I was there. And then Billy Graham returned to Portland in the 1990s, and we attended then too.
    The snow has that hibernating effect on many people. Yes, you will need to learn new ways… 🙂

  6. Oh – just look at all those dimples! Such a beautiful little family! Yes, babies don’t ‘keep’. Billie Graham was such an inspiration to our country. So nice that you were able to see him with your dear Father. Snow makes me hibernate, too. It’s so pretty, but sooooo cold! x K

  7. Pretty soon Addy will be too big for pictures on that blanket – and she won’t lie still for it either!

    It seems that the only people who can fill stadiums these days are rock stars and sports teams … we must carry on with our daily example!

  8. It is so wonderful to know that your father came to faith in Christ at one of Billy Graham’s crusades . . . and that it was truly life-changing, not only for him personally, but his faith also affected the lives of his family! I love this quoted passage and how Billy Graham tells the only reason that he will have made it to heaven. That is true for all of us!

  9. Those are wonderful words from Billy Graham. It seems your family has a special connection to his Crusades and ministry. I remember being part of the choir when the Crusades were here in Los Angeles, probably in the early 2000’s.

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