Still Blogging Hodgepodge

Crystal Cove Beach, California, January 2017 with my sister Vera.

It’s time to answer the Wednesday Hodgepodge questions…

1. What keeps you blogging?

I’ve thought about laying it aside and then I bump into someone who says they are reading my blog and enjoying it. I’ve been able to go back and read things I’ve forgotten over the years. If I look at it as a journal I’m content to keep going. From the beginning I’ve wanted my blog to honor and encourage and I hope that it has brought some glory to God and encouragement to others. I’m also interested in what’s going on in the lives of fellow bloggers.

2. Some people like to travel in the winter months. Do you enjoy the beach in winter? According to Southern Living the best U.S. beach towns to visit this winter are-
 St Simons Island (Georgia), Hilton Head (South Carolina), Bald Head Island (North Carolina), Seaside (Florida), Bay St. Louis (Mississippi), Cape San Blas (Florida), South Padre Island (Texas), Folly Beach (South Carolina), Chincoteague (Virginia), Duck Key (Florida), Nags Head (North Carolina), and Fairhope (Alabama)
Well leave it to Southern Living to list Southeast beaches as the best in the U.S., LOL. I’m of the mind that any beach is great to visit in the Winter!
I love the beach in winter and most of the beaches I’ve visited in winter are West Coast beaches. From San Diego to Central California for me winter at the beach is best. Last January I spent time at Port Hueneme, Huntington Beach and Crystal Cove.
Port Hueneme with extended family staying at a VRBO to attend a family wedding north of Santa Barbara.
The Orchid Farm in Goleta, California at our nephew Joe’s wedding in January of 2017.
Huntington Beach pier in January 2017.
 Have you been to any of the towns listed (in any season)? Which on the list appeals to you most this winter?
I have not been to any of the towns listed and they are not on my bucket list. When our son-in-law completed his Marine Corps grueling basic training, my daughter and I flew east and drove to Parris Island for his graduation. We stayed in Beaufort. Later when he was stationed in Jacksonville, N.C. at Camp Lejeune we helped our daughter set up their home on base just before Andrew returned from Afghanistan. While there we took a day trip to Emerald Isle.
Emerald Isle, North Carolina December of 2011.
3. What’s a song you’re embarrassed to know all the lyrics to? Are you really embarrassed or do just think you should be?
I’m not embarrassed about any song I know all the lyrics to and am quite excited if my memory serves me that well.
4. When you were a kid what’s something you thought would be fantastic as an adult, but now that you’re an adult you realize it’s not all that fantastic?
I’m kind of sad to admit this but I thought that being a teacher would be fantastic but when I finally made it into a classroom the federal requirements and paper work wore me down and it was a discouraging endeavor for me. I was happy to retire when our first child was born. My first classroom was on the stage of the cafeteria because the school was over crowded. Yikes. My second classroom was a portable which I got locked in once. My third classroom was a regular classroom with nice windows. Our school was in a low income area and was federally funded, keeping up with the federal paper work made it hard to teach and have good one on one time with the students. I loved the kids but didn’t like the federal meddling.
5. Share a quote you hope will inspire you in 2018.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14
6. Insert your own random thought here.

It’s a big birthday week at this old house. Monday was our daughter-in-law Jamie’s birthday. Tuesday was our son Dan’s birthday and Friday is our son Josh’s birthday. We aren’t seeing any of them on their day since Dan and Jamie are in northeastern Washington and Josh and Laura are celebrating in Hawaii.

Miss seeing our little Addy, too. It’s been almost a month. I’m always a little worried she’ll forget us but she has a sharp fresh mind so I should just let those thoughts go…

Joyce From This Side of the Pond asks the questions for Wednesday Hodgepodge. Thank you Joyce and thank you to those of you who took the time to read this post. I appreciate your visits!

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

15 thoughts on “Still Blogging Hodgepodge

  1. Hello, I love all the beaches everywhere. My hubby and I often look back at my blog for memories of things we did and places we visited. I enjoy your blog, I hope you continue. Happy Birthday to all! Addy is a sweetie! Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  2. This is one of my favorites that I look forward to every week. I know I have told you that I read your blog every day and probably should leave more comments. I am always amazed at the interesting questions Joyce comes up with. Love you and keep blogging.

  3. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today and leaving such a nice comment!
    I think I need to visit some beaches that are located out west during the winter! I might like those 🙂
    I’m so sorry you had such a hard teaching experience. It can be a rewarding profession, but it’s tough thanks to all of the “meddling”.
    Happy birthday to those in your family who are celebrating!
    Kathy (Reflections)

  4. When I left high school, I planned to become an elementary education teacher. The Teacher’s College at Ball State University puts you in a classroom your first quarter, and it was enough to let me know I had romanticized teaching! Needless to say, I changed majors! As for beaches, we have an open invitation to visit one of my brothers in Mexico, where he and his wife spend January – March. We plan to go in a future year, when we have ‘tired’ of Montana’s winter!

  5. AMEN to Psalm 19:14.

    Loved all your pictures. And yes, West Coast beaches are great, too. I grew up in Southern California. Haven’t been back there in 40+ years. Appreciated your photo of the pier at Huntington Beach.

    That floral arrangement on the log entry to your nephew’s wedding — that is so pretty!

  6. Great answers, Ellen. Blogging is like keeping a journal. only its public for all to see. I lived near a beach most of my life so being near mountains now excites me, but I love both places. Your Addy won’t forget you –babies know who loves them most!

  7. Love to read your answers to these interesting questions, Ellen. So glad that you are staying with blogging. So many have gone away and I miss them! I am rather isolated here, so blogging keeps me connected. Always love your perspective and your beautiful, scenic photos and sweet family pics. I agree with Pat, that babies know who loves them most! xx K

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