Berry Pickin Hodgepodge

1.  Have you ever spent time on a farm?
Tell us a little bit about it.
When I was young my family stayed with Russian farming friends in Central California. I did not enjoy the fresh milk from their cow. My family would also drive to different farms in southern California to pick fruit for my mom’s canning endeavors. The black and white above is of the whole family picking something, maybe berries of some kind. I can also remember picking sour cherries, about 40 pounds total when we were done. She would cook and can the cherries for a sweetener for tea. A favorite with my Russian relatives. As an adult when we were in England we enjoyed an afternoon on a farm picking raspberries, picture below.
This was in 1973 or 1974. In 2006 we stayed on a sheep farm in England (bed and breakfast) for a couple nights. We enjoyed the farm noises and the walks along the Derwent River that the farm was adjacent to.
Since being part of the Mennonite Girls Can Cook I’ve enjoyed times on a couple farms and at Farm markets in Abbotsford, B.C.
Have you ever grown your own pumpkin? Been on a hayride? Driven a tractor? Milked a cow?
no, yes, no, no…
I’m pretty sure I’ve been on a hayride somewhere but I can’t pull up the time and place.
2. What’s something younger you would like about you now?
 That I’m still smiling even though I don’t look like I did in that Berry picking photo with those cool shades.

3. What are three things you’d like to do more often? Three things you’d like to do less often?

Walk, read, and pray more often. Eat, b***h, jump to conclusions less often.

4. What’s on your nachos?

When I have them which isn’t very often, cheese, jalapenos, and diced Anaheim peppers.

5. What’s the most random thing in your purse or wallet? Does it need to stay there?

A tape measure might be the most random thing and it doesn’t need to stay there but it comes in handy when shopping for certain items that need to fit in defined or tight spaces.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Too cute not to share! She’s 6-1/2 months and this is her trusty furry friend Rayna.

Linking up to Hodgepodge Wednesday with Joyce From This Side of the Pond. She comes up with the questions and we answer them.

We are resuming our small group at our home on Wednesday night. It will be fun to see who shows up. Hope you all are having a good week.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

14 thoughts on “Berry Pickin Hodgepodge

  1. I love this hodgepodge about you Ellen and just for the record.. I had a really hard time figuring out which letters are *** …. cause I’ve never seen that side of you.

  2. Hope that everyone who is supposed to be there will be. I liked your list of things you’d like to do less often. Works for me, too. I know that box is not going to keep Addy down!

  3. That photo of miss Addy and her friend, Rayna, is priceless, I’d say they are best of friends.
    Enjoyed your farm story, it has been so much fun reading of everyone’s experiences in one way or another with farms. I loved the fact that your Mom used cherry juice to sweeten tea, I bet the flavor was delicious.’BTW loved the photo of you picking berries. Thanks for visiting.

  4. Just love the photo for #6.. so precious…and oh my yes… freshy cow milk was a bane to me… I broke out in rashes and was miserable during many of my farm visits!

  5. Fun post, Ellen. 😀 I’ve heard the same thing from other people about drinking milk fresh from the cow. I’ve never tried it. I love the early pictures of you and enjoyed your answers to the Hodgepodge questions. Thanks for sharing!



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