Super Sunday Mosaics

super-sunda3Today Sunday the 5th of February is Super Bowl Sunday and our church joins in the fun of the day with a different kind of Sunday. We arrive for tailgating with grilled sausages and other treats as we walk into church. There are photo ops inside. Do I look like a natural with that football?

super-sundaThings are flashier than usual and noisier, too. Two of our pastors represent each team that is playing in the Super Bowl. They go back and forth with sermon points. If they communicate it well they get a touchdown. Pastor Wolfgang covered Free Agent vs. Team Player, and Karma vs. Grace. Pastor Alexander covered Worry vs. Trust, and Death vs. Life. There are penalties and challenges. The game was tied at the end of 4 quarters so the two pastors had a memory verse challenge in overtime for extra points. The truth and the gospel is communicated. Pastor Alexander won on a challenge that is still being disputed after the game. Does that sound familiar?

super-sunda2-001We came home from church ready to tackle these creations in our kitchen in honor of the two Super Bowl Football teams.  I do love a theme for cooking and setting tables. No table set this year since it’s just Dear and me today. Truth be told we aren’t big football fans but we join in the fun for Super Bowl Sunday. We always hope to see a good new commercial. It was a treat to see our 41st President George H.W. Bush and his wife Barbara on the field while President Bush tossed the coin. The President hasn’t been home from the hospital long after a struggle with pneumonia. He is the oldest living president in the U.S.A. currently. God bless him.

I’m publishing this before we know who wins but if it goes like church did this morning the Atlanta Falcons will win but New England are the come back kings so…

I’m linking up with Maggie from Normandy Life for Mosaic Monday.

Our friends to the north are experiencing more snow than usual and so much so that many church services were cancelled because of treacherous roads. They are predicting snow for us, too, later today and tomorrow. Hope whatever the weather you are comfy cozy in your corner of the world.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

12 thoughts on “Super Sunday Mosaics

  1. Ellen, what a great post with Super Bowl fun! We just watch the AfC Championship and the Super Bowl and are huge NE Pat’s fans, living in New England how could we not be? As you know by now, the Patriots had a magnificent comeback and won in overtime. We’re getting ready for bed and thankfully I checked the score and noticed it was a closer game. The Falcons played wonderfully in the first half and the Pat’s in the second. Your food pictures look so yummy!😀

  2. What an interesting Sunday service that must have been, just like the Super Bowl even down to the after game discussions. Your dinner looked wonderful 2 of my favourite US style dishes. I don’t know who won the game but I hope it was the team that you supported!
    Thanks for sharing Super Bowl Sunday @ MM this week.

  3. It really was wonderful to see President Bush and his beautiful wife. And the Super bowl game was crazy! Loved the halftime show too. I was never a big fan of Lady G but I was impressed! Love that peach cobbler! Hugs! PS And of course you look like a natural for a game of touch football. I want you on MY team! heehee!

  4. Wasn’t President Bush great and Mrs. Bush always so elegant. Your recipes look delicious, a great way to enjoy and celebrate the game. Some ending, huh! Thanks for visiting the Garden Spot.

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