Organizing Five!

Time for Five on Friday and Friday’s Fave Five and I spent so many hours organizing spaces around this old house that I missed organizing my Friday post last night! Thank you to Amy and to Susanne who have organized these memes for all of us to enjoy.


Our eastern Washington kids are coming to visit the last weekend of this month. My daughter who just moved out of our basement with her hubby came over this week to help me organize her stuff that had overtaken this guest room. Now it is ready for Dan and Jamie’s visit. Although Katie and Andrew have moved out they have to leave a lot of their stuff here because it just won’t fit in their little 570 square foot space.


Besides clearing out guest room #1 we moved some furniture around and changed up Guest Room #2 and organized the basement. One of the additions in the basement is this drape (tablecloth) that covers the closet in the basement that is full to the brim with our daughter and son-in-law’s stuff. The dresser in the photo next to the bookcases is being filled with books we are ready to let go. Organization continues there.


Don’t be afraid as you look at my dish space in the basement. I have my mom’s 50th wedding anniversary dish set (service for 24), Christmas dishes, Thanksgiving dishes, pink Depression glass, lots of blue and white dishes, cake plates, etc. etc.  I re-organized this space and even got rid of a few plates. But…then while I was in Canada on Tuesday I bought the fruit bowl (below) with 8 little matching bowls, oops. The boxes under the table belong to our kids. Our poor basement dwellers lived with this dish wall for a whole year bless them…

2016-07-19 Canada new book launch

I’m such a sucker for Johnson Brothers dishes.

While I’ve been organizing inside this old house Dear has been organizing his shop and our garage space. We’ve also completed projects organizing outside spaces. This next photo is our latest organized outdoor space. I can see this planter from my kitchen window.


So I am thankful for spaces to organize, the strength to organize them, the satisfaction of ordered spaces, having help in the process, and looking forward to sharing these organized spaces with others.

What are you thankful for? Are you on an organizing binge?

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

29 thoughts on “Organizing Five!

  1. Good for you! I’m so impressed with all your organised spaces! I’m still in holiday mode and not very organised so far! I love your new plates too!
    Have a fun time!

  2. I do understand about storing our kid’s stuff. Our daughter moved to Japan and everything she couldn’t take with her she left with us. I use to have spacious closets, no more, they barely close.

  3. omgoodness!! you have TWO guest rooms and i have ZERO!!!!! Someday i want a guest room. Maybe when my oldest gets her full time job and moves into her own place 🙂 Yours is gorgeous!!

    I’ve been organizing cupboards but am saving the basement for winter. It is just too perfect of a summer here in NY to spend it inside organizing. But both of my daughters have been re-organzing their rooms and closets. I did the master bedroom during winter break in Feb. I have gone “minimalist” and got rid of a TON of knick knacks, old dishes, etc.

    Loved your photos.

    Enjoy the company and have a great weekend!

  4. I love your dish wall! Lots of history there. And your first guest room is really pretty. But then I’m partial to those blue walls. I especially love your last paragraph. And now I’m off to organize something. I try to do at least one small thing of that type each day.

  5. Oh Ellen, you’ve been so smart!! Everything looks great! I see that you and your hubby are like we are when it comes to books; how I love them, but they do pile up after a while. I’m amazed at your wall o’ dishes! ;D I had no idea you were a dish lover — so am I. I happen to love those Johnson Brothers “Coaching Scenes” dishes; I believe Sherry at “The Charm of Home” blog also has those same dishes. Your hydrangeas are gorgeous, and I love the ornamental hangings on the wall. You and your husband accomplished a lot this summer. 🙂

    I enjoyed you post — have a great weekend, Ellen!



  6. I’m impressed with how much you’ve done. I need to get on an organizing binge around here. My husband put in some closets in our basement with lots of shelves for dishes. Now to get them out of boxes and put away. It is nice to have good space to store things.

    Enjoy your weekend, Ellen.

  7. Love the glimpses into your beautiful home! Wow, that’s a lot of dishes! But it helps with those lovely tablescapes you do. It feels so good to get things organized.

  8. I think anyone could live with that pretty dish cupboard! All those wonderful collections and family connections and memories! I remember that stage when the kids were first gone, but their stuff definitely wasn’t! (In our previous life of course when we had a great big house that was never as well organized as yours is).

  9. Ellen you have everything very well organized! Your guest room looks beautiful.

    I only have 3 sets of dishes. 1 everyday, 1 set that I used when my kids were growing up and I can’t get rid of even though they are out of style, and 1 set of china for 12 I bought when I was first married. When we moved I had to pare down a lot of stuff, but now my house is full of grandchildren toys…lol

  10. Everywhere in your home looks so neat and tidy. I love your open china cupboard with all the items stacked in an orderly way. Enjoy your company. I’m sure they’ll appreciate spending time with you in your lovely home.

  11. Gosh you have been busy! I have to be in the right mood to organise. Often in the middle of winter when it’s miserable outside I set too. Always very satisfying, particularly if stuff is thrown out or given away. Love your new bowls. Very pretty. B x

  12. You’re an inspiration. I have kids back with us so house is not how I want it. Plus the guest room and the room I want to become a sewing/hobby room are definitely works in progress! But I’m waiting on a plasterer first so that’s my excuse for not doing much. Plus it’s too hot right now.

  13. Can I just say…I love your dish wall!! In fact, I think I need a dish wall in my own basement! (Putting on my thinking cap…maybe when Ron has caught up on the zillions of projects already on his list…)

    I agree with you. Freshly organized spaces are a delight!

    I know you’re looking forward to a visit with your over-the-mountains family!!

  14. You have been busy! The newly-organised guest room looks so serene – just the sort of place anyone would love to retreat to. Your dish area is a great idea. The Great Dane is building shelving in the basement and I have earmarked some of it for dish storage – your picture just firmed up that resolve!

  15. I love how you have your dishes organized! I too am a sucker for Johnson Brothers dishes. I have my great grandmother’s set entitled “His Majesty”. I also collect depression glass and other dish sets. I recently tried to weed out a little of my collection, but it’s so hard! Thank you for sharing your photos. Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

  16. Wow, what a great way to organize your dishes! Thank you for inspiring me to take some time to organize! My oldest son’s room is in limbo since he moved out and outperform youngest son is going off to college in September. We’ve been talking about switching rooms, using Dylans old room for Branden’s new room and Branden’s spacious room for a guest room.

  17. Your home is so inviting. We really need to overhaul our downstairs guest room now that our son has moved out. You are motivating me to get to it! And look at all those dishes! Love the new ones you picked up in Canada.

  18. Wow, I’m slightly envious of your dish wall! I have a ton of dishes and it is getting hard to organize them … but I love them …

    Your outdoor planter is gorgeous! I love that you can see it from your kitchen window!

  19. I get minority complexes when I read what you have done this week and I was rather lazy ! It looks very nice and cosy in your guest room ! I also have so many plates I could open a shop ! and my son doesn’t want them, so they will probably end up on the flea market !

  20. Have a lovely time with your family! I have to confess my parents still have a lot of my stuff as well, my mum keeps threatening to bring it all one day and my husband turns slightly pale!! Your dishes are amazing, I love crockery 🙂

  21. Goodness, it’s a good thing you don’t have earthquakes in your neck o’ the woods! I’m awed by your dish storage and all of your organizing efforts. Having guests come does help to motivate, but you’ve done an amazing job.

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