San Fernando Cathedral – San Antonio

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The 18th-century San Fernando Cathedral is the first church built in San Antonio, the oldest standing church in Texas, and one of the oldest cathedrals in the U.S. It’s listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

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A copy of Michelangelo’s Pieta.

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It is disputed whether the remains of some of these Alamo heroes are entombed here but they are honored here.

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I’m linking up to InSPIREd Sunday with Beth and Sally.

When I uploaded my photos I noticed that my lens had a hefty smudge on it. This was a hot muggy day so it’s no surprise my lens got smudged. This was my last stop on the trolley tour and from here I walked back to the hotel. I visited another church in San Antonio before we flew home that was a beauty. I’ll share that one next week.

Friday was a banner day for exercise at this old house. After Zumba in the morning I mowed our yard and the front yard of our neighbor. During this time Dear and our son in law continued the work on our front walkway. (collage below) In the evening Dear and I took a walk since we were falling asleep too early. Today I might just be sitting around doing nothing until the Sounders game tonight.


The walkway work will continue on the next dry day we have.

Hope your weekend is going well…

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

10 thoughts on “San Fernando Cathedral – San Antonio

  1. we loved our trip to San Antonio. such an amazing gorgeous area!! & i was totally taken back by this beauty as well. i was kind of shocked by that area, having to pay for the parking etc. i wish areas would allow folks to visit without paying. seems more friendly & kind. ( ;

  2. Lovely! I enjoy seeing and visiting historical places like this. Took the train from Chicago to San Antonio to visit a friend when my boys were younger. 36 hours … never again. 🙂

  3. I also enjoyed my visit to this cathedral! I was visiting San Antonio during the “Day of the Dead” time and saw colorful altars and remembrances to those who had passed away everywhere–even in this chuch.

  4. Pingback: San Fernando Cathedral – San Antonio — The Happy Wonderer ~ ellen b. – wolf4915

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