Foreign Fences…

Washington State borders Canada to the north (British Columbia) and it’s great to be able to visit a foreign country so easily that’s not really too foreign since for the most part they speak English and they accept our currency. Dear and I drove up to Vancouver B.C. to enjoy an overnight on St. Patrick’s day. Here are a couple of photos of a wooden fence next to the Totem Poles in Stanley park.

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van 2 033

Next week I’ll be sharing a longer post about our adventures in Vancouver and Stanley Park.

I’m linking up to Good Fences #106 with TexWisGirl.

We’re having another great weather day in the Pacific Northwest so I’ll be going out to mow the lawn. I’ll visit later…

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

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