Let’s Dish ~ Beach Style…

I’m joining Kathleen at Cuisine Kathleen for Let’s Dish at the Beach. Welcome to my many shades of blue and green beach table.

Everything on my table was purchased from Goodwill over the years except for the ginger jar and the shells. The shells in the ginger jar were collected by Dear and I on our beach walks and the larger shells are from Hawaii that Dear’s folks brought back in the 70’s.

I thought the bubble goblets would go well on a beach themed table.

The chargers are pale blue heavy glass.

We finally got some sunshine just in the nick of time to usher in the official start of Summer. Looks like we’re only guaranteed 2 days worth. I’m glad I was able to get out on the patio to set this table while the sun was shining.

I’m headed to the Sounders Soccer game tonight with my son so I hope to get around to see your tables tomorrow! Happy Summer to all of you!

I’m also joining in with Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday.

About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

32 thoughts on “Let’s Dish ~ Beach Style…

  1. I am always intrigued by lighthouses and your dishes are so cute! I can’t believe you were so lucky to find them at Goodwill. And the shells are beautiful. I agree that bubble glasses are perfect for beach tables– I did the same on mine! Linda

  2. Hi, Ellen! I’ve missed you! Great to see you here today!!! You want sunshine, do ya? I’ll send you all you want! We have been inundated with sunshine over the past several weeks. We need rain!!!!!!! We could also use a cool down, so any temps in the 60s or 70s you have layin’ around would be much appreciated! πŸ™‚ You got those chargers at Goodwill??? Wow! Great find! I also love the plates. I really like lighthouses!!! I like how you used the flatware with the shell end. Very nice! Really great job extending the centerpiece down the table with the bead clusters and shells, too!

  3. Hi Ellen~ I love your lighthouse series of dishes! I do not have good luck at GW! Your shell centerpiece is perfect along with your bubble glasses at your table. We are in the 90’s this week, I’m looking forward to a little shade and cool breezes! Happy Summer to you πŸ™‚

  4. What wonderful Lighthouse plates and such a pretty table –
    I’m sure it’s fun to play with table settings with so much variety available to draw from. You must have a great goodwill store nearby to find such treasures.
    I recently sold a bunch of my cobalt blue dishes. Now I’m wondering if that was such a good idea.

  5. Wonderful colors….I adore the goblets. The putty color of the tablecloth is really interesting in combination with your water colors. Well done! Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  6. What amazing Goodwill finds! The lighthouse plates are just lovely and I love the little touch of red they add. Your glasses are so pretty and what a wonderful shell collection you have! Thanks so much for sharing your table!

  7. So pretty! I love those light house plates, they would have hopped in my basket too! You do well at GW, such pretty glasses! A fine beach table, so glad you joined Let’s Dish at the Beach. Don’t forget your sunscreen on next week it will be At the Dermatologist! πŸ™‚

  8. Your table has me thinking that summer might, just possibly, arrive up here, too! We were promised one day of sunshine, and got it yesterday – today we’re back to cloud and cool winds.

  9. So beach I could almost feel cool sand between my toes as I looked at each shot.
    (and wouldn’t it be fun to have sand under the tables and chairs with that setting?)

  10. Amazing! Love the seaside theme…so nicely done.

    PS Do you have a warehouse of supplies for every theme? Wish you lived next door!

  11. I really love those light house plates! Since I don’t have any of my own, I would love something like that. The colors in them are so vivid and look beautiful with those blue glasses.

    Which, by the way, I would like as well.

    I don’t want much, do I?

    I love it.

  12. Love the lighthouse plates, so cute and perfect for the theme. Sure wish I had a set of those. Great glue glassware, you definitely have beachy going on.

  13. Ellen, I love those lighthouse dishes. You set such a pretty table with them. I wish I lived near a GW Store as good as the one you obviously shop. laurie

  14. Howdy from Kansas! Love your blue bubble glasses. Really pretty!!! Nice table. Thanx for coming by HomeHaven. Enjoyed your visit.
    God bless,

  15. I know a cottage that is completely decorated with a lighthouse theme – your dishes would fit in perfectly! Hope you’re still enjoying sunshine – we’re getting some badly needed rain. Happy weekend Ellen!

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