That’s All Folks…

These are the last of my Chicago photos that didn’t fit in elsewhere in my posts…

Lincoln at O’Hare airport. Lincoln had no idea we’d be flying in and out of Illinois day in and day out…

I was impressed with the planters and lights in trees around the Michigan Ave. area.

Tallest Church building in the U.S.

Buckingham Fountain

Crown Fountain

This sign is great and it really makes it clear that winter in Chicago is very different from winter in Seattle.

Thankfully our ride back to the airport in our taxi was very pleasant compared to our drive to the hotel from the airport. Word to the wise…you might want to reject a taxi ride specified for you at the airport if the cab is real stinky and old.

Farewell Chicago. Time will tell if we’re back next year for ASCO.

I was very busy on Thursday and up on my feet all day long. My back and feet were complaining by two in the afternoon so I knew it was a pizza delivery day. We have a great pizza spot that delivers pizza with half Greek or Caeser salads that are delicious. Sometimes you just have to know when your body is spent and ready for food to be delivered to you. Today is a relaxing off day for me and I’m really ready for that. Hope you all have a wonderful first weekend of Summer!

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

17 thoughts on “That’s All Folks…

  1. I have enjoyed all your photos of Chicago very much. You are a great photographer! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for blogging. And pizza is always a good idea as far as I’m concerned!

  2. Indeed! It’s good to listen to yourself. Hope that you have a lovely puttery kind of day. You’ve been going at full tilt for weeks and weeks now.

    Wonderful photos of Chicago. It’s a wonderful old city with a lot of terrific architecture. I enjoyed seeing the plantings that are done, too.

  3. yes….relax!

    Ellen, your Chicago photo collection are the best I’ve seen… saw soooooo much of the city and then some! That last picture of the guy holding the umbrella, was one of the “real” street people, right? Those guys just amaze me! Thk you for share all these πŸ™‚

  4. Thanks for a final glance at Chicago! I’m just wondering if you ate your pizza at a beautifully set table in your backyard. πŸ™‚

  5. That Buckingham Fountain is impressive! Good for you about ordering the pizza. I’m getting better at that myself. Goodness…at this time of life, I think it is okay to give ourselves a break!

  6. This is really fun! I have never actually visited Chicago. I had changed flights there once on my way to someplace else, but never have had a chance to explore the city. It looks like quite an adventure!!! Yes, the winters are brutal…even more brutal than those here in the Kansas City area. I would NOT want to experience that lake effect snow and cold!!!! Such great sites there! The shots of the church and the apartment buildings are really cool!!!!! I never thought about the need for police on the water like that….I guess you’d have to with that huge mass of water and so many boats on it! Wonderful share! Have a great weekend!!!

  7. I loved your photos! Each one better than the last. I don’t know which I liked best…maybe the Hard Rock Cafe ones or the big reflective dome…or the lake? Just can’t choose!

  8. I’m smiling…you really are the happy wonderer. Loved all the photos. Good thing you had comfy shoes to walk the miles. It’s been fun seeing the sights.

  9. Chicago from your camera’s point of view is a lot more interesting that I ever thought it would be. We might have to take a visit there sometime to see all the beauty of the city for ourselves. Thank you for sharing these great glimpses of the Windy City.

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