Signs, signs…

Here are some more signs we saw on a recent trip to Snohomish.

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snohomish 2016 010

snohomish 2016 015

snohomish 2016 014

We spent a few hours on the main drag of historic Snohomish shopping in the antique stores and having a meal.

Linking up with Lesley for signs, signs.

Today is the beginning of lent (Ash Wednesday). We didn’t grow up observing lent. In recent years I’ve set aside time to do some readings and try different things to prepare my heart and mind thinking of the sacrifice made for me and for the grand celebration of Easter, the resurrection of my Savior. I read this quote today that made me think a bit deeper on this season of lent. I posted the quote below this collage of my Lenten Rose.

The spirit of penitence in which we enter Lent is not sheer negativity, breast-beating, self-loathing or penitence for its own sake; rather, it is a belated recognition that as friends of Christ, called and loved, and bought with a price by the Most High, we could and should start to grow up into a better way of living and a closer walk with our Saviour. – Malcolm Guite

Do you observe Lent?

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

12 thoughts on “Signs, signs…

  1. No, do you? Some cool signs! (I suggest that you give up the beer in each hand for Lent. =D ) I always love to see your Lenten Rose…such a beautiful flower.

  2. Had to smile at the balanced diet sign. I didn’t know that flower was a lenten rose. Very pretty.

    I really like the quote. We definitely need to be growing into a closer walk with our Savior.

  3. We do not observe Lent at our house, nor in our fellowship. Certainly, we ponder His sacrifice though, and thank Him for His work on the cross! “Amazing love, how can it be, that Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?”

    Your lenten rose is so beautiful!!

  4. I don’t remember celebrating Lent or Advent as a child, but celebrate both now to some degree. Your Lenten rose is SO lovely 🙂

  5. I love to visit Snohomish, and always make a beeline for the antiques mall. I can get lost there for a very long time!
    I have always thought that Lent and Advent have a lot in common, in that they are both periods of preparation.

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