Looking Back ~ Calvary Cemetery

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When we were trying to find Bellefontaine Cemetery at the end of the 4th day of our road trip in St. Louis, Missouri we couldn’t find the right entrance but right next door to the Bellefontaine is Calvary Cemetery. We drove in just before the gates were closed for the day. We didn’t know anything about Calvary but when we were ready to leave we saw the caretaker in his car and asked him if he knew how we could find the entrance to Bellefontaine he let us know and then asked “Did you find what you wanted to see here?” We said, “We really did not know what to look for we just like old cemeteries.” He asked, “Did you see Dred Scott’s grave or General Sherman’s grave or Tennessee Williams?” We said, “No!” He said, OK…just follow me and I’ll take you to see them before I lock the gates” Then we had to floor it to keep up with him. We really appreciated his going the extra mile for us even though his shift was over.

SeaJack #4 023When we visited the Bellefontaine the day after we were here we also saw Taylor Blow’s headstone.

SeaJack #4 024If you want to read more about the history surrounding Dred Scott click on this link.

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SeaJack #4 026Tennessee Williams

SeaJack #4 029General William Tecumseh Sherman

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Our guide also wanted to show us this monument that was erected for all the still born babies born at St. John’s Mercy Medical Center.

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Before we got our personal tour I took these photos.

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SeaJack #4 016We decided that even though our hotel for this night would be further east we wanted to double back the next day to visit Bellefontaine early in the day.

And now looking forward for today Tuesday May 6th. Today we will be doing a lot of shopping for all the incidentals you need to live in an apartment. You know things like dishwasher soap, laundry soap, shower curtain etc. etc. We will also be retrieving boxes that Katie packed before she came to live with us that are being stored at a friends home here in Jacksonville. We will be going up and down 3 flights of stairs a lot today. Maybe I’ll lose a pound!