Goodbye August

Another week of soccer for these two. Because of our smoke filled week a while back, soccer was extended to next week which will make for a very full week with the beginning of Homeschool Co-op and Awana!

Finally… I finished this puzzle which was harder than many with the coloring and the fact that all the pieces were similar!

It was okay that it took so long since our dining table was not in heavy demand in August. It will be cleared off for dinner tonight with our local kids and grands.

Welcome to September which will be a full month for us. Fall ministries are starting up at church. Awana, Women’s Bible Study, Mops, Women’s Retreat and Connection Groups are all happening in September.  Our Grands and their mom will be full speed ahead with Homeschool and Co-op.  A milestone birthday for someone in the family is coming up. We are also gearing up for a trip to a land we’ve never been to before. More details to follow soon.

What does September hold for you?

Early Years of Soccer

The first game of the year was played after being delayed because of our smoke filled skies. Wednesday after our rain on Tuesday made for clear enough air for outdoor activities.

This age is a hoot to watch. The swarming of all the players caused a few trips with certain players landing on the pitch.

Our favorite player managed to stay on her feet.

Since there is not a designated goalie at this age level, the players take turns. She was not impressed with the stinky gloves!

I missed this little guys first game but was happy for the photos his parents sent.

The treats at the end of the game are every players delight!

Speaking of soccer and soccer fans, Josh and Laura are celebrating their 22nd Anniversary today.

Man U 069

Here we are in Manchester, England at the legendary Old Trafford, September 2013. In less than a month we’ll be with them at another stadium in England to watch another Premier League soccer game. Another dream fulfilled, Lord willing.

Happy Anniversary Josh and Laura. We love who you are individually and as a couple. May God increase your joy and love with each other and with Him!

We’ll be at the Fair this afternoon checking out the animals and other treats a small town fair offers. Have a wonderful last weekend in August!