Busy Start to June

June has started off with full weekends and good family days. Our Grands and their mom enjoyed some sweets with Granny Great. I love this photo of all of them.

Josh and Laura were in Nashville for a business trip and got to enjoy the Grand Ole Oprey.

Our Garage sale started Wednesday with 15 families bringing all their stuff together so we were ready for the early birds on Thursday morning. All the participants signed up for shifts to help at the sale.  When our Grands and their mom came for their shift, Addy and JJ and the other littles were able to cuddle the new pups. The family that hosted the garage sale raise and sell golden retrievers.

We had a very successful sale with many families earning over $200 and some earning a whole lot more. We earned close to $400.

On Saturday I put in some time at the sale before Gramps and I headed to Kettle Falls to watch Addy’s Irish Dance group perform at Town and Country Days. It was hot with limited shade. We were happy that the stage was a covered stage so the kids didn’t have to dance with the sun beating down on them.

Finding some shade before the performance.

It was fun to watch Addy again on stage. When the performance was over they got her changed into cooler clothes quickly so they could enjoy some of the Town and Country festivities.

While waiting for the performance to begin we popped into an establishment next door to the stage to cool down and it was fun to spot this customer.

This guy was part of a group that performed in the Town and Country parade earlier on this day. When you are planning a trip to Scotland, you notice people dressed like this.

After the performance we headed back to the garage sale that was in it’s final minutes to gather up our stuff that didn’t sell and collected our money. We had three days in the sun and I was spent.

Another thing happened this weekend. When we put our A/C on it wasn’t working properly. We’ll have to call today and try to get someone out soon before the real heat starts!

Sunday morning after a good time at church we had a true day of rest.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

7 thoughts on “Busy Start to June

  1. Fun times with the family, Addy is a great dancer.

    I would have a hard time leaving all those cute puppies.

    Take care, enjoy your day, wishing you a great week ahead.

  2. It’s good you were able to get a day of rest after such a full (and hot) weekend! Such adorable dancers! You got some great action shots! What a blessing that your A/C trouble was discovered early in the season. That happened to us our second year in this house and we were so thankful that we were able to address the issue before the peak of the summer heat.

  3. What a special event to be a part of, I can’t believe Addy is old enough to dance! I remember when she was just born. So precious. Wonderful that you and your neighbors can have a sale together! It’s always great to sell things that you don’t use any longer. I hope that your A/C issues get fixed quickly!

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