God’s Amazing Handiwork

On May 10th I stayed up late to see if I could see the Northern Lights which were predicted to be visible in our area and many other areas around the world. I looked up and could tell there was something different happening but no color was visible to the naked eye. When I saw other people posting on Facebook the pinks and greens in color I was confused as to why I couldn’t see the same thing. When I looked at the image of the sky I just had snapped on my phone I could see the colors in the sky. How odd that was. I just kept snapping away and here is what my phone captured.


At the end of my time on our deck taking photos, these lights below which were more on the horizon and not looking straight up, were visible to my naked eye.

It was amazing to witness and a bucket list item that I could check off my list.

In the stars His handiwork I see…

“The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to Day pours forth speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge.”

Psalm 19:1,2

We are running out of May days. Over the weekend some of our kids and nieces and nephews were together in Arizona for their annual ‘Cousins Memorial Day Weekend’. On Monday our flag pole was taken out of it’s Winter storage and back in it’s worthy spot in our front acres. Long may the Red, White and Blue wave!

We have lots of pretty color popping up along with so many weeds that we have not kept at bay. I’ll share some of those colors, soon. What’s popping up at your place?

About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

12 thoughts on “God’s Amazing Handiwork

  1. Nothing is popping up like this, except for a tornado warning that lasted a few hours. We had a weird light to the sky that cast a yellow glow over everything but nothing this spectacular! Have a great week Ellen.

  2. I missed the borealis, but my grandson snapped lots of photos to share with us.

    Colors are popping up all over in our butterfly and bee garden. Everything from deep purple to bright yellow with pink and green and white and red between. Hopefully my laptop with cooperate and allow me to share. Willow

  3. Hello Ellen,

    The Northern Lights images are beautiful, so colorful. It is an amazing sight to see.

    We missed it here, our skies were too cloudy. Take care, have a great day!

  4. We could apparently see the lights here but I missed them. I was mad about it until I read that the reason people even in Florida could see them was due to an unusual solar flare which is, really, not good so then I was conflicted! They certainly were pretty though.

  5. Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures of the Northern Lights. The ones from when you were looking up have a slight resemblance to the pictures humans have drawn of angels. I found that interesting.

    As for what is popping up here…my Canterbury Bells are just beginning to bloom. They are so pretty. All three of my perennial beds need to be weeded and have the old debris from past bloomers removed. We are going on vacation one day soon and I don’t want to overdo now. So they will probably wait until we get home.

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