Stand by the Bible ~ Hymn

Stand by the Bible

We’ll stand by the Bi­ble,
God’s mes­sage to man,
Revealing His love in
Redemption’s great plan;
It tells how death en­tered
With sin and the fall,
Of life free­ly of­fered
Through Je­sus to all.


Stand by the Bi­ble,
Walk by the Bi­ble,
Teach by the Bi­ble,
Revealing God’s plan;
Stand by the Bi­ble,
Study the Bi­ble,
Live by the Bi­ble,
God’s mes­sage to man.

No book so abound­ing
In won­der­ful truth,
No guide so un­err­ing
For child­hood and youth,
No coun­sel so need­ed
By man in his bloom,
No com­fort so sweet
On the verge of the tomb.


Through ag­es when faith spurned
The fet­ters of might,
It shone like a star on
The bo­som of night;
Its word was the rule of
The mill­ions who bled,
Its hope was their stay when
The last pray­er was said.


We’ll fol­low thy teach­ings,
Blest word from above,
We’ll live by thy pat­tern
Of in­fi­nite love,
Believing, ob­ey­ing,
And watch­ing with pray­er,
Till grace shall for Hea­ven
Our spir­its pre­pare.


Words: Franklin E. Belden, 1894.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

4 thoughts on “Stand by the Bible ~ Hymn

  1. The hymn says it all…standing by the Bible and not what we “think” or “feel” is of utmost importance for our growth as children of God.

    Hope you were able to enjoy the messages from the Ligioner Conference last week!

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