
Three to four turkeys have taken up residence in our yards. It’s quite a sight to see them fly in from the trees on our mountain.

I’m still working on a solution for being able to upload more images to my blog. We have company arriving today for two nights and we are hoping for some clear skies here and there so we can get out and about and show them our area and maybe get a walk in between the possible rain.

Two more days before we switch the page on our calendars. Hope all is well in your corner.


About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

11 thoughts on “Turkeys

  1. Wow, that’s different. Hope they don’t stay too long.

    I know, I can’t believe it is going to be May already. A busy month for me with Mother’ Day and several family birthdays, not to mention more doctor’s appointments. (The never ending story)

  2. Delightful image and how lovely you now have a family in residence. I hope you get your picture issues sorted out soon. Enjoy your company and have a great week! 

  3. Those turkeys are beauties!! Great picture. Speaking of pictures, I hope you can get your upload problems solved. It must be contagious – I am having so many computer issues of late – ugh! Have fun with your guests.

  4. Turkeys are so interesting to watch. It’s been a few years ago now, but a few springs ago we had one with an injured leg land in our backyard. My husband put out corn for it and she stayed around for quite a while that spring. She also must have told her friends and family, because when all was said and done, we had the privilege of watching a total of about 7 on a daily basis.

    Enjoy your time with your guests! Praying the weather holds out for you to do the things you want to get in while they are in your area.

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