Beatrix Potter

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Beatrix Potter and The Tale of Peter Rabbit and all his friends. For Christmas I received the sweet print above and the tea towel below from Josh and Laura.

Right now on our dining room table this puzzle is slowly, very slowly coming together.

It is very tough and I only have me to blame because I ordered it from my year long puzzle club Dan and Jamie gifted me for my birthday last year.

My collection of Beatrix Potter Figurines are here and here.

We had more snow and now we are having some frigid temperatures. We are celebrating our Dan and Jamie’s birthdays tonight. Making something new to me and I hope it turns out good for everyone! I’ll have to move that puzzle since it is on the dining room table at present.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

15 thoughts on “Beatrix Potter

  1. How fun! I’ve always been a Beatrix Potter fan. When our grandson was little and they lived in Mexico City as missionaries, I recorded my reading the collection of her stories for him. He is now in his mid 20s and he has kept that tape all these years. That puzzle looks hard! But I am sure it will be beautiful when it’s finished. Happy Birthday to Dan and to Jamie.

    • Dianna, what a sweet treasure your recordings of the Tales are! That was a wonderful idea. Starting Monday, we have 3 birthdays all in one week. First Jamie, then Dan and lastly Josh!

  2. What lovely gifts from people who know you well. I have a gardening book about Beatrix Potter that I just got and hope to show on my blog soon. I love the print.

  3. I’m a fan too. I love the print! My youngest had a Peter Rabbit themed nursery and when we had her baby shower this year I landed on a roll of the wallpaper from her nursery that I wrapped gifts in for her. It was somehow stuck in with my wrapping supplies but was a fun find! Have a nice weekend!

  4. Such charming gifts! And the puzzle looks like great (and challenging) fun! I, too, am a fan of Beatrix Potter and her sweet, classic tales. I love how she used rich vocabulary in her stories . . . not at all “dumbed down” just because her readers were small. And her illustrations are also charming!

    Enjoy your birthday celebration! Looking forward to hearing more about that dessert!

  5. I love all the Beatrix Potter books too. She was an amazing author and artist.
    Love the print!
    Happy Birthday to Dan and Jamie!
    Stay warm and safe in all that snow.

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