Knock, Knock…

Who’s there?

This gobbler saw it’s reflection in the slider and was mesmerized.

Our snowy mounds are still part of our landscape. I’ve pulled the ice cleats onto my shoes when I walk out to the garage and they seem to make things more secure. Starting Saturday we should be above freezing for several days during the day so we should have some more melt off. Our roads are clear and the grocery parking lots are clear. How are things in your corner of the world?

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

22 thoughts on “Knock, Knock…

  1. Wow, Ellen your view is quite different than our view! Love the turkey checking himself at your door. We are having rain and quite a bit of wind that seems to have melted most of our snow. It’s hard to believe it’s 62 degrees now!

  2. Hi Ellen, that’s quite a handsome visitor you have knocking at your slider window! Look at all that snow. I’m sure you know it’s nothing like that here. Chilly to SoCal standards but they tell us it’s going to warm up this week to the high 70s and low 80s several days from now. Personally, I wouldn’t mind a change of scenery with that white stuff I see the turkey standing in. 🙂

  3. Oh my! is he wild or is he a pet? Maybe he was looking to come in out of the cold. 🙂 Sp glad our snow is long gone. It’s been pretty wet the last couple of days but looking for to a little sunshine tomorrow.

  4. Ellen, this picture would be perfect for Thanksgiving! Turkeys are very curious creatures. We’ve seen them looking in my husband’s chrome at their reflections before. I think they thought they saw other turkeys! Have a great weekend!😃

  5. I love wild turkeys, and to have one at your back door is so cool! He really does look like he is paying you a visit. 🙂

    We had three snowy weekends in a row (unusual here), but today is bright and sunny. Keep using those ice cleats!

  6. Actually, since you ask, I’m feeling a little guilty for even talking about our “winter” weather ))…..wait a short while until you have daffodils etc and then you can feel way way luckier than I am here where there’s no spring really! . That turkey is the cutest thing!! Sweet picture.

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