Helpful Blogging

It’s been so encouraging to be able to visit my blogging friends while we stay home and embrace social distancing.

I will be sharing any posts I find that are encouraging, helpful blog posts for you that you might have missed.

Laura at Decor to Adore shows anyone who sews, how to sew hospital face masks.

Joyce has good news From This Side of the Pond, she is reviving Hodgepodge Wednesday for such a time as this!

One thing I’ve found is that it is very hard to do social distancing with little grandchildren. Until we have been well for 10 more days without any contact to other human beings I won’t be holding, hugging, lifting or cuddling with our grandchildren. In other words, I won’t be visiting or having them visit us. This is the hardest part of this virus. After that we will have a discussion with our grands’ parents to see if they are comfortable with us being around them again.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

12 thoughts on “Helpful Blogging

  1. Hello, it nice of you to share your friend’s blogs. I am all for inspiring and kind words and blogs. It is sad during these times you can not be with grandchildren, the time will go quickly. Take care! Have a happy day!

  2. Yes, we are the same about not being able to hug our grandchildren. We have been isolating from each other too. It’s hard but also very wise! Daily facetime does help us to stay in touch. We are so very fortunate, however, that we have the opportunity to stay at home and not have to go to work like our essential service people need do!! Stay well and thanks for the encouragement to get the blogging juices flowing again.

  3. My Grandmother lived through the Spanish flu but it haunted her to the day she passed. Overall, we are fortunate in that we have social media even though social distancing. I’m hopeful my parents now realize the seriousness of the situation and will stay at home but construction workers still go to their house every day. Please say a prayer the kitchen will be finished so their lives will return to somewhat normal.
    I think social distancing is most difficult on singles, widows and widowers especially when seniors; it makes isolation hurt.

    • Sandra, yes, the Lord has put widows and widowers and singles on my heart and I’m trying to send cards and notes to them and also call them to see how they are doing. Praying that the kitchen will be finished and functioning for your dear parents…

  4. I am thankful for social media too! praying that this epidemic will soon pass, Ellen, and you will soon gets lots of hugs and kisses from those beautiful grand babies.. Thank you for sharing the links.

  5. I’ve noticed that more bloggers are posting now, and it’s lovely to see, and to read what’s going on in people’s lives. Blogging is a wonderful way to connect. I’ll be using technology to visit with our grandchildren now, too.

  6. Yes, it’s hard not to be able to love our grands, isn’t it? Our here are 11 and 13 so it’s probably OK with them. 😕

    On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 11:06 PM The Happy Wonderer ~ ellen b. wrote:

    > Ellen posted: ” It’s been so encouraging to be able to visit my blogging > friends while we stay home and embrace social distancing. I will be sharing > any posts I find that are encouraging, helpful blog posts for you that you > might have missed. Laura at Decor to ” >

  7. Hi Ellen, the social distancing is the most difficult, especially with loved ones.We haven’t seen our oldest son in weeks, my mom and stepdad, my dad and stepmother and our beautiful daughter in law. It tears at the heart strings!❤️❤️❤️

  8. The social distancing with my mom has been the hardest. She is in her ’80’s and living alone at her home still. I’ve been calling her daily but it’s not the same as being together. We still get her groceries and things she needs but it’s the sitting together and being together that we are missing. But while I am still working in childcare with most of my parents being nurses and a funeral director I am terrified of carrying something to her. This week I have had to make an extremely difficult decision and will probably close my dayhome until this thing rides out so that I can continue to care for her. I haven’t closed my doors in dayhome for more than a week at a time in the 30 years I’ve been doing this as a career. It has been a struggle and heartbreaking decision and it has caused a lot of grief and guilty feelings in me. But I know it’s the right one for right now. Trusting God will take care of us with the loss of income. Would appreciate your prayers. 🙂

    • Absolutely, Susanne, I will pray for you in this weird time we are experiencing! God help us all through to the other side of this pandemic. Hugs!

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