A Bright Hodgepodge

1. February can be a little bit tricky given the weather and the winter and the whatnot. I read a list (here) of things you can do to make your February brighter which included-start planning your next trip, take more baths, make your own chocolate covered strawberries, and exercise in preparation for swimsuit season. Anything on the list you might try? Which suggestion on the list appeals to you most? Tell us something not on the list that helps make your February brighter.

The suggestion that appeals to me most is to plan a trip!

I just flew to Southern California and enjoyed lots of extended family time along with sweet Addy time and sunshine, so February is having a good bright start.

While Addy’s mommy ran in the Surf City Half Marathon in Huntington Beach with our niece Debbee, and her daddy rode a bike along the route with our nephew-in-law, Baba watched and mostly sat with Addy asleep and cuddled on her with Great Aunt Vera preparing brunch for the marathoners in the background. Addy slept for 3-1/2 hours and woke up just in time for mommy and daddy to arrive for brunch.

2. Tell us about something you’ve seen or done recently that you’d say was ‘super’?

Umm, spending Super Sunday with my extended family in Southern California. Am I sounding like a broken record?

3. Best thing you ate in a ‘bowl’ last week?

Just one? We enjoyed some Ground Chicken Chili in a bowl last week. Recipe coming soon to the Mennonite Girls Can Cook Blog. Yesterday we had some fabulous guacamole in a bowl at Ola’s in Huntington Beach.

4. Something you’re ‘cheering’ for right now?

Cheering for my daughter-in-law and niece who completed a half marathon with flying colors in Huntington Beach on Sunday.

5. The Winter Olympics begin Friday, February 9th in Pyeong Chang, South Korea. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being all in and 1 being no interest whatsoever) how interested are you in the games? Which event do you most want to see (you’ll find a list here).

I’ll give it a 9! I enjoy watching many events and will never forget the Ice Hockey final in 1980 in Lake Placid. I’m pretty sure we were late or missed church that day. We could not tear ourselves from that “miracle on ice” moment for the USA.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Addy met my dear old pop on Monday. He was able to have enough breath to pray a blessing over her and over Dan and Jamie as they raise her. So grateful for this moment. Otherwise, he is ready to go be with his Savior, Jesus.

More about my time in Southern California coming soon.

Linking up with Joyce From This Side of the Pond for Wednesday Hodgepodge. She asks the questions and we answer them.

About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

20 thoughts on “A Bright Hodgepodge

  1. Reading about your pop having enough breath to pray over Addy and then her parents brought tears to my eyes, Ellen. What a precious memory for all of you.

  2. Glad you got to spend time with Addy. That Ground Chicken Chili in a bowl looks delicious. That’s a sweet photo with your pop.

  3. Ellen – what a blessing for your Pop to get time with Addy. We owe so much to our parents, including the continuation of their legacy. Looks like your family has this well covered!

  4. Oh my. This post brings tears. What an awesome thing for your Pop to pray a blessing on your son and daughter-in-law and on Addy! So precious!

    It sounds like your trip was filled with memory-making moments!

  5. Wonderful family time! Your Pop is such a blessing – so glad he was able to pray over sweet Addy and her loving parents! Congrats to Jamie and your niece for running the half marathon – that’s amazing! Looking forward to the chicken chill recipe.

  6. Greetings from NH. I’m okay with the Patriots not getting it done. It was a wonderful game and the Eagles deserved the win.
    I am so glad that you enjoyed your trip to California. Your recounting your dad praying a blessing over your granddaughter touched my heart. I pray our Lord’s blessings upon him.
    Thanks for visiting my blog page and for leaving a comment.

  7. Oh how I love everything that your last picture represents. I’m so glad that you were able to capture the moment for Addy’s memory book and for even for future generations. Our kids had quite a few living great-grandparents and so did our older grandkids — but we lack pictures of many of those moments (it was harder to get pictures way back then).

  8. Your last photo really touched my heart. What a special family moment and isn’t wonderful to know when we do have to say good bye to our loved ones here that they will be with Jesus and we will meet again.

  9. Oh, Ellen, so very bittersweet……wonderful memories for you and sweet photos to remember your precious time together. Addy may not remember this, but she will surely treasure this blessed photo when she grows up. So glad you all had a wonderful time and congrats to the marathon runners! xx Karen

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