Flying Proud Hodgepodge

Welcome to Wednesday Hodgepodge where Joyce asks the questions and we come up with some answers.

1. The Hodgepodge lands on June 14th this week, Flag Day in the US of A.

Do you fly your country’s flag at home?

We fly the U.S. flag and the Marine Corps flag at our house. They will be flying proudly on Flag Day.Sometimes, often, or every single day?

When Andrew, our son-in-law, was in Afghanistan and serving in other parts of the U.S. we flew the flags more often. Now we fly them on special days like Flag Day, Memorial Day, Marine Corps birthday, Fourth of July, Armed Services Day, 9/11, Veteran’s Day and Election day.

This is a blue service star flag/banner. It is issued to families who’s sons or daughters are deployed in harms way. Both times when Andrew was in Afghanistan we kept it in our window until he came home safely.

Have you ever visited the city of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia)? Did you make a point of seeing The Betsy Ross House?

No and No but if I did visit I’d want to see her house.

Have you ever made a trip to Baltimore? If so, was Fort McHenry on your itinerary? (where Francis Scott Key was inspired to write The Star Spangled Banner)

No but I enjoy singing the The Star Spangled Banner at every Sounders home game with 40,000 other people and I always am thankful for the Marines and others from different military branches who hold the flag and wave the flag with respect.

2. Red flag or white flag? Which have you encountered most recently? Explain.

Do you mean Red flag warning or white flag of surrender or parley? I see danger, it’s part of my makeup. This makes me very uncomfortable at pool parties or watching little ones at the beach. I might as well have a red flag flying from my head at these venues. I’m sure we’ll be seeing red flag fire danger warnings in Eastern Washington this year. And as far as the white flag goes I don’t surrender easy except for when it comes to sticking to a diet.

3. Are you a stay in the car listen to the end of a song kind of person? What kind of person is that?

No and I don’t know.

4. What are some of the traits or qualities you think a good dad possesses? In other words, what makes a good dad?

I think a good dad cares for, supports, guides and prays for his children.

What’s an expression you associate with your father?

“I praying for you, pray for me. I’m thanking God for everything.” My pop who is 94 still gets down on his knees every night and prays for all his kids, grandkids and great grandkids. Every time I call him on the phone he reminds me he’s praying for me and asks me to pray for him. His English is still sketchy.

5. What’s one rule you always disagreed with while growing up?

My mom was a somewhat legalistic Russian Baptist. Somewhat to say she wasn’t as legalistic as many of my relatives and other Russian Baptists. No drinking, no dancing, no smoking, no playing cards, no going to movies. My parents let us go to movies.

I disagreed with the no dancing and no playing cards. I wore my parents down on a lot of the rules. I went to school dances. One other rule we had growing up was no whistling in the house. Did you know that whistling invites evil spirits into your home? And no, I don’t believe that but it was something passed down to my mother and father.

Is that rule somehow still part of your adult life? Is that a good or bad thing?

I’m still adhering to the no smoking rule and it’s a good thing.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

In about 2 weeks we’ll be seeing our little granddaughter in person again. Our Son and DIL text us photos that we really enjoy. Here are the latest. Addy was 12 weeks old on Monday. The first year of life has so many leaps of development.

Getting so strong and holding herself up.

Sitting pretty with her mommy’s baby shoes on.

Just can’t get enough of these. Sweet Addy May. Looks like she can give you a good left punch.

Click over to From This Side of the Pond on Wednesday to see more Hodgepodge answers.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

12 thoughts on “Flying Proud Hodgepodge

  1. Hi Ellen, Addy has such a sweet smile and look how strong she is! I would love to visit the Betsy Ross house, also. We keep a light on our flag and fly it all the time. Especially in winter, it is visible from down the street at night. I love the photo of your Pop. It is wonderful to pray for others and have them to pray for us. My sincere thanks to Andrew for his service to our Country.

  2. You’re early! Didn’t like question 3? LOL! Your dad at his bedside on his knees brings a tear to my eyes. What a godly man he is and an excellent example of a great father. Little Addy is very strong. Look at her holding her head right up like that.

  3. Your answers and pictures are so great Ellen! I love the service star banner displayed in your window – what a lovely gesture in honour of your Katie’s Andrew. The picture of your praying father is so wonderful. Addy is doing so well – isn’t it so great to get those pictures of her progress. We loved that so much when our little love bug lived so far away.

  4. I absolutely love that photo of your dad on his knees. What more could one ask for in a father, but one who knows the Lord and brings his family to Him. Precious.

  5. Our flag is flying outside right now.
    Seeing your father on his knees praying, is a wonderful sight. Too bad more dads didn’t do that!!

  6. The picture of your dad praying is precious. That’s what dads need to be doing. I would have that framed and hanging on the wall. My mother knelt every night to pray as my dad lay in bed. I always admired her courage to do that.
    Your little Addy is adorable. What a little seeetie.
    We weren’t Russian Baptist, but those same rules were in place at our house. I disagreed with the dancing and movies and occasionally, mom would bend and let us attend a movie and also attend the Friday night teen dances in our neighborhood. Those times were rare.

  7. Thank you to your son-in-law and your daughter for their service. We are rather partial to the Corp around here, too. 🙂
    Oh, that grandbaby is too sweet! Aren’t they just the greatest thing? Enjoy your visit with her.

  8. First, thank you to your son and to you for his service to our country. It is so hard when our children are away from home and in harm’s way. I love the photo of your praying father. What a blessing that is!!! Addy is a little doll. It’s hard to live away from our grandkids, but so much better than in generations past when there was no internet. I enjoyed your Hodgepodge.

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