Wednesday Hodgepodge

HodgepodgebuttonI’m joining in again for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce from This Side of the Pond. She comes up with the questions we find the answers. This week it’s all about the Hodgepodge blues…

1.  Are there any men or women in blue on your family tree?

We have a cousin who was a police officer in Huntington Beach. Our son in law is a Marine who wore dress blues.


2. Are you someone who suffers from the Sunday night blues? What helps you get over it?

No Sunday night blues at our house since we are unemployed and everyday is a holiday. We are hoping for a few more years of employment for Dear before he is truly retired. Waiting to see…

3. I read the color blue is an appetite suppressant since there are very few naturally blue foods out there. How do you feel about blue cheese? Love it or blech? If you’re a fan, what’s something you like that’s made with blue cheese?
Food Tasting 008
Dear and I enjoy Blue Cheese, Roquefort or Gorgonzola dressings. We also enjoy these cheeses on a cheese platter with fruit or on flat breads as appetizers. Another way we enjoy blue cheese is in cream sauces with mushrooms. This has been an acquired or matured palate for me. In my youth I wouldn’t touch these cheeses with a ten foot pole!

4. We can’t head in to the Labor Day weekend without a related question, can we? Complete this thought: I work best when____________________.

I work best when I’m on my own and when the end is in sight. Sometimes to achieve the end in sight part I have to cut off big chunks of work into little chunks. I also work best with encouragement.

5. ‘Everything yields to diligence.’ Antiphanes Your thoughts? (on this particular quote or on diligence in general)

First I went to the definition of diligence:  constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent exertion of body or mind.

My Dear is a great example of someone who is diligent. He completes whatever he undertakes and is constant and earnest in his endeavors. I appreciate the end result but sometimes I have to leave for many hours and come back to the result of his labors instead of seeing all the earnest effort and what had to yield in the process!

2014-06-07 bathroom demo

6. The National Park Service turned 100 years old on August 25th. Have you been to many of America’s National Parks? If so share with us a favorite or two. Which National Park would you most like to visit before the next birthday rolls around?

Dear and I visited Yellowstone National Park in June for the very first time. It was amazing. We’d like to see many more or our National Parks but the one that is on our bucket list right now is Glacier National Park.

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Here’s a flashback from the 50’s. My family at Crater Lake in Oregon which is a National Park. I’m the one in my mom’s lap with my sister Kathy holding my brother Tim and my sister Vera on the right. We also visited Yosemite National Park in my youth with my family in the 50’s.

7.  Bid farewell to August in seven words or less.

Celebrations, anticipation, launches, and goodbyes…adieu August.

2016-08-19 chewelah

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Speaking of blue I have to share that I love blue and white dishes. It’s hard for me to leave any blue dishes behind especially if they are made in England.

Signs of Spring 007

I also like blue jeans…

Hope you aren’t suffering with summer blues. We are cooling down right now with some rain in the forecast.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

4 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge

  1. I almost closed my hodgepodge with a comment about my love for blue and white dishes! It was nice to learn a little more about you and we too are looking forward to some cooler weather this weekend.

  2. I fixed the credit for your friend. Sorry about that and thank you for telling me. Love your blog. Thank you for the service of your cousin and your son in law. Such a sweet photo. That is one amazing photo you took at Yellowstone.

  3. I love your “blue” answers, Ellen! I love the national parks and have visited many, yet have many more to see. We saw Glacier in August — it’s truly spectacular but Yellowstone will always be my favorite.

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