Summer Olympics Hodgepodge

HodgepodgebuttonI’m joining Joyce who blogs at From This Side of the Pond for Hodgepodge Wednesday. Joyce comes up with the questions and we come up with some answers. Thanks Joyce! I’m early this week…


1. Are you watching the Olympics? Your favorite summer Olympic event? I read recently a list of the most iconic Olympic moments in history…what stands out in your mind as a great moment from some past summer Olympic games?

We are catching some of the Olympics. Swimming, Gymnastics and Soccer are my favorite events.

The moment that will always stand out in my mind is watching Dear as a Torch Bearer in the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. Because he won the honor to run with the torch it brought the Olympics into our home in a special way.





2. Have you ever been to Rio? How about the place that started it all-Greece? Have you ever been to any of the Olympic Games in person? Is that something you’d like to do? Have you ever met an Olympian in person?

Never been to Rio or to Greece but I have been to an Olympic event at the 1984 Summer games in California. Our family and some of our extended family were able to attend a rowing event at Lake Casitas in Ventura County.




3. The ball’s in their court (tennis), cross the finish line (track and field), on target (archery), make a splash (diving), on a roll (gymnastics), out of one’s depth (swimming)…which Olympic-related idiom best applies to your life right now? Explain.

I’m going to go with out of one’s depth as Dear and I are thinking about the fact that he might be retiring earlier than we expected. He’s been unemployed for a couple of months and if nothing happens employment wise by his birthday we’re considering retirement and who knows what all that means! Yikes. We know who holds our future so we aren’t going down the anxious road but we are going down the unknown road.

4. What have you earned a ‘gold medal’ in recently?

My Gold Medal comes to me through blogging and the fact that God plopped me into the Mennonite Girls Can Cook blog through my personal blog and my Russian heritage and family recipes.  I’m one of 10 gals who post on that blog and we have authored two cookbooks, a just released devotional book and unbelievably a play about us will be released the end of September. What? Our author royalties have all gone to help feed widows and orphans and to help provide clean water to families in Kenya.

2015-06-18 Tea in Canada55. What is it (or who is it) that motivates you to eat right, exercise, and do what you can to be healthy?

The mirror motivates me when I don’t let the mirror completely discourage me. It does help to have a partner in the endeavor to eat right and exercise.

van 2 0356. Are you young at heart or an old soul? Explain.

I think I’m young at heart because I still want to try new things and learn new things.

7. It’s National S’mores Day (August 10th)…are you a fan? Will you celebrate with a s’more today?

Not a fan but I can provide the ingredients for anyone who wants them!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

This post made me start singing that song from Sunday School that comes from Acts 3:6, a verse in the Bible.

Silver and Gold have I none/ but such as I have give I thee, /in the name of Jesus Christ/ of Nazereth rise up and walk./ Walking and leaping and praising God./ Walking and leaping and praising God./ In the name of Jesus Christ/ of Nazereth rise up and walk!

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

16 thoughts on “Summer Olympics Hodgepodge

  1. How cool that your hubby was an Olympic torch bearer!! Love seeing the pictures of your beautiful family way back when!

    Isn’t it a comfort to know that our Father leads His children? When the way is unclear and we don’t know what’s ahead, He is guiding us all the way! Praying for you both as you follow…

  2. LOVED the photos of you guys when your husband was torch bearer. Awesome! So proud for each of you re the cookbooks and devotional book and such a worthy cause for the benefits. God bless!

  3. Hello! Visiting your blog today via the Hodgepodge. I enjoyed reading your answers to the questions — how special that your family was able to enjoy the 1984 Olympics in California!!

    On the subject of your Mennonite cookbook, we visited an Amish bakery in Wisconsin this summer while on vacation and bought a Mennonite cookbook for those of us who are gluten-dairy-and egg intolerant. I’ve been working through the homey recipes and enjoying them.

    We, too, faced an earlier retirement this year than originally planned (early by about 6 months). Like you, we’ve been trusting the Lord and He has faithfully provided. He will bless your trust in Him. Thank you for sharing that with us.

  4. What a great experience for your husband to be a torchbearer and all of you to attend the Olympics. I really like your motivation. That’s probably my best motivation as well. I wish you well on retirement and know that the Lord will take care of you.

  5. We used to sing that song at camp, and we’d physically leap : ) You win the gold medal for best Olympic story today! How fun!!

  6. How cool was it that your hubby got to carry the torch…what a great honor! It sounds like there may be some changes coming soon to your family…I know what it’s like when your spouse becomes unemployed. It happen to us several years ago and after 18 months, he was able to find a much lower paying job, but one he loves…he went from manufacturing to managing a group home with 6 special needs men. He’s been there now over 4 years and it is quite rewarding for him. God knows the plans He has for us 🙂

  7. Pingback: Hodgepodge History | The Happy Wonderer ~ ellen b.

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