FFF ~ Memorial Day Weekend

Time to think about our favorites from this past week. Please visit Susanne at Living to Tell the Story to join in this great exercise.


Canada celebrated Queen Victoria Day last weekend and we in the U.S.A. are getting ready for our Memorial Day Weekend. This is a time to reflect and remember those who have served our country in the past and who are serving our country now. I’m an American who is proud of what our country stands for and proud of the men and women who have courageously fought to keep us safe and free. My parents are legal immigrants who have become citizens of the U.S.A. Dear’s father, uncles and grandfather served in the military. Now I’ll get on to my favorites from this past week.

1. Spending extended time with my children. Before the Sounders game on Saturday Dear, Katie, Josh, Laura and I had brunch together and then Josh, Laura and I headed to the game. It was great to be together.

2. On Tuesday Katie had a minor medical emergency which ended up being a time we were able to spend 6 hours together. We went to the doctor, had a nice lunch and shopped. Things worked out well for her and it was encouraging to her for me to be there to support her.

3. Dear and I met some good friends for a meal together and it was nice catching up on our lives.

4. Our middle son Dan called this week and he was ready to talk and it was comforting for me hearing about the details of his life right now.

5. We are plugging away with the details of our garage sale on Saturday. I’m thankful that things have come together and it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. In the midst of all the sorting and planning I was able to get some red, white and blue decorations up for our house to get in the spirit of this long weekend.

To all of you in the U.S.A. a very Happy Memorial Day weekend to you. If you know a veteran or someone serving our country give them a hug from me…

Photobucket replaced all my photos with ugly black and grey boxes and they are holding my photos hostage until I pay them lots of money. I’m slowly going through all my posts and trying to clean them up and replacing some photos. Such a bother.


About Ellenhttps://happywonderer.com/I am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

24 thoughts on “FFF ~ Memorial Day Weekend

  1. Great faves, Ellen. Especially time spent with your kids. I’m glad Katie is ok! Happy Memorial Day weekend to you too. And Happy Garage Sale day. May all your items sell! I’m off to hug a veteran for you 🙂

  2. Have a happy Memorial Day, Ellen. I’m first generation immigrant here in Canada, so I’ve no experience with the military. But my father had served in the Navy during WWII… yes, he’s in his 90’s now. I have great respect for the soldiers, both yours and ours. They have a very difficult job to do… unfortunately, one we would call ‘necessary evil’. Hats off to them.

  3. good morning ellen.
    i have done some catching up on your blog, and you have been a very busy gal……love all the great photos.
    wishing you and yours a great weekend.

  4. I love your Memorial Day decor! I’ll have to get mine out, too.

    I hope your Garage Sale does well. I love to go to garage sales, but hate to give them!

    I’ll have to find a veteran to hug … I think I know where some are.

  5. Ellen I love all your patriotic pictures! I wish I could print and frame them for each patriotic holiday!

    Have fun at your garage sale; I still say besides getting rid of stuff and making a few bucks is the chance to chat with neighbors and meet the new folks on the block!

  6. A beautiful patriotic collage!

    Sounds like things worked out well for you this week — time with friends and loved ones can’t be beat.

    Have a happy holiday weekend.

  7. You have a great theme going Ellen…I love your enthusiasm..
    Spending time with the family is priceless.
    I’m making your wonderful cheese Blintzes this Sunday for brunch…

  8. Your patriotic decorations are lovely. I particularly like the candy wrappers. So cute. I haven’t seen those in my area. Have a wonderful weekend and a great yard sale.

  9. Happy Memorial Day Weekend…I love all the decorative things you show here….so nice!! Hope you have a successful yard sale with great weather…this is the first Memorial Day weekend we don’t have major plans…I am hoping to get lots of sunning and reading done 🙂

  10. i love how you Americans do it up right on the holidays. I love garage sales…my MIL is having one tomorrow and I dropped off several boxes of stuff to add to her tables. Thanks for sharing your week with me. Kathy

  11. I hope you’re having a long weekend. We have remembrance day in November where we remember the veterans and those serving. Love all your Memorial Day decorations. So patriotic.

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