These Are a Few of My Favorite Things…

I’m posting early this week so I hope I don’t confuse anyone into thinking it’s Friday already…

Time for Friday’s Fave Five again! Visit the lovely Susanne at Living to Tell the Story to join in with this fun exercise.


#1 & #2

~ Saturday was a double date day! In the morning Dear and I walked at our favorite beach at dawn and then in the early evening we went to one of our favorite restaurants to celebrate a belated 35th Anniversary dinner. Our Anniversary is December 6th but Dear and I were in different parts of the country on that day so we decided to celebrate this past Saturday.


It’s no secret that the enjoyment of food is big in my life. My mother has never driven a car and she has never worked outside the home. She put her energy and time into her love language which was cooking food for us and others. We always had people over growing up to share meals with us. I never worried about bringing home an unexpected guest because there would always be enough food for all. Our family was in the lowest middle income class but my parents always found money to put food on the table and shoes on our feet. I’ve inherited the love of food and being around a table.

All of that to say that I experienced a wonderful Prime Rib dinner on Saturday with an amazing fig and orange souffle for dessert! Yum…


What a fun sky we saw here on Tuesday night! Dear was out BBQ’ing and he called me outside and said “You’ve got to see these great clouds” I grabbed my camera and headed out and clicked away! The clouds were like little cotton balls.



Oh dear me…I bought some more dishes. They were just so much fun and they met my criteria of being made in England. I’m thinking it will be fun coming up with a Valentine day dinner using these red checked dishes! Thrift store shopping and finding dishes at a bargain are always fun for me and a favorite!


A Bonus Favorite: I love how people always come together after a disastor to help their fellow human beings. For all of us who feel so bad about what has happened in the Island Nation of Haiti don’t forget or hesitate to send some money their way using a reputable/tried and true organization like World Concern, or Samaritan’s Purse just to name a couple who have proven their integrity in getting relief where it’s needed. A little from all of us adds up…

Photobucket is holding all my photos that I stored on their site from 2007-2015 hostage replacing them with ugly grey and black boxes and asking for a large ransom to retrieve them. It is a slow process to go through all my posts deleting the ugly boxes.

About Ellen am a wife, mother, baba (grandmother) and a loyal friend. Jesus is my King and my hope is in my future with Him.

20 thoughts on “These Are a Few of My Favorite Things…

  1. Lovely list … beautiful images. I always love you photos and mosaics and tonight is no exception. I especially love the unusual clouds. Glad you had a chance to celebrate your anniversary belatedly. I’m sharing ‘favs’ this week too.
    Hugs and blessings,

  2. Oooh! I love that flock of clouds! I saw some unusual ones driving home Wednesday evening, but driving and photographing are tricky in the twilight so I just memorized them in my mind. Looking forward to your tablescape when Valentine’s day comes 🙂

  3. I LOVE the red checked dishes! I thought they were from a restaurant and you were showing us the pic from your anniversary dinner. BUT YOU BROUGHT THEM HOME! AAAH! (I”m not allowed to buy anymore dishes.) 😉 Love them! What a fun find!

    And also – what an amazing sky! You are right, the clouds do look like cotton balls.

    Happy Belated Anniversary to you and thanks for sharing your week!

  4. What a smile inducing five, Ellen. I’m glad you and hubby finally got your anniversary dinner. And that souffle looks sooo good. I’ve never had a souffle and don’t ever recall seeing it on any menu.

    Gorgeous sky and fun, fun dishes. I can’t wait to see pictures of your tablescape with those.

    The way you wrote about your mom was especially sweet.

  5. We obviously enjoyed similar themes around the Table…
    Those clouds are amazing…sometimes you only have minutes or even seconds to capture those amazing shots.
    Happy Belated Anniversary!

  6. Oh, I wish you had put a picture of your new dishes on the blog! I love dishes and love to see what other people like and use.

    It sounds like you have a wonderful mother, what a great meal.

  7. Great post, Ellen!

    #1 & #2 – I love how you and Mr B. go out for dates on the beach!! 🙂
    #3 – Love your hospitality story.
    #4 – I am surprised Mr. B didn’t say, “You have to come out for this blog-worthy sky picture!” 😉 Great shot. The clouds look as if they are floating popcorn.
    #5 – Can’t wait to see your new dishes!

  8. What a sky! That is certainly something you don’t see everyday. Of all your lovely shots I noticed the plates first. Happy belated anniversary to you and your Dear.

  9. Our love language was food too 🙂 Glad you had a lovely though bleated anniversary celebration with Dear.

    and what a gorgeous sky!

    we’re taking a special collection for Haiti tomorrow in church. My heart is going out to them.

  10. Love the pictures….the clouds, the beach shot, and the souffle LOOKS so good! 🙂 Happy Anniversary! Glad you and hubs could enjoy time together, sounds nice!
    And the dishes are great, I need to look for a set at a thrift store or yard sale this spring.

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